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Releases: harmony-dev/beacon-chain-java

0.2.0 Beacon chain node

28 May 09:57
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This release is a huge step towards fully featured beacon chain client. It introduces beacon chain node with minimal implementation of wire protocol and regular sync built on top of it.

In order to try a node use installation guide and run a small chain sample.


Spec & tests

  • Update consensus to v0.6.1 #129
  • Implement SOS-based offsets #132
  • Catch up with recent changes in deposit contract #130
  • Adopt new state test format and align with v0.6.1 test vectors #112, #136


  • Revamp SSZ implementation and add incremental hashing #115
  • Tune spec caching according to benchmark results


Implement basic network stack #133, including:

  • Peer and connection manager
  • Minimal wire protocol
  • Regular sync with online mode

Tools & CLI

  • Node, CLI to run beacon chain node
  • Benchmaker, a tool for beacon chain spec benchmarks

0.1.0 Beacon chain simulator

11 Mar 16:53
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This is the first release of Ethereum 2.0 Harmony client, a beacon chain simulator that runs several validators in a single runtime environment. There is a number of configurable parameters that user can play with. To get an advanced information about simulator, check out Beacon chain simulator wiki page.

Spec notes:

Useful links: