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Imdb Importer

This project import imdb datasets to a postgresql database. After import process indexed and optimized database can be used.

Importer has own downloader and downloads all datasets and uses this files. Most of the import process done by built in postgresql import function called COPY which is fairly fast process. Most time-consuming steps are indexing and optimizing tables.

Database structure

We have an initial database structure (you can find in database/migrations folder) to import all data to postgresql properly. After importing process tables altered and indexed properly which you can find final schema here.

Installing & Importing

imdb-importer requires php or docker on your system. You can find docker usage after this section.

In this section I assume you have php installed your system. Next section I will cover docker usage.

Go to releases and download imdb-importer and put it desired location in your computer. Create .env file in same folder which you can find an example file in this repository. .env.example

After changing database credentials you can use php imdb-importer import:database command to import all datasets, or you can selectively import datasets;

php imdb-importer import:database --only=title,episodes

Or you can skip particular dataset;

php imdb-importer import:database --skip=principal

Available dataset aliases are title, episode, principal, name, crew, aka, rating

Import command drops all tables and starts over when started but if you already downloaded datasets it won't download datasets again. If you need to update this files you need to delete this files which all stored in /storage/tmp/ folder.

As I mentioned before indexing and altering tables can be take time. Over all downloading and importing process take around 45min on a decent computer. If you don't really need to principal, name, crew or aka tables you can skip this tables. But for basic movie and tv series information title, episode and rating are the most important tables and this tables import process takes around 10min.

Using with docker

First of instead of downloading in releases page just clone the project. Then run command below to build image.

docker build . --target imdb_importer -t imdb_importer

After build we have a helper file to use called importer. Basically you can run same commands as above with this command.

bash importer import:database


Basic postgresql search will be slow, you can add full text search to titles datatable with php imdb-importer import:search. This will run below queries to add fairly fast search feature.

ALTER TABLE titles ADD COLUMN tsv_title_text tsvector;
CREATE INDEX tsv_title_text_idx ON titles USING gin(tsv_title_text);
UPDATE titles SET tsv_title_text = setweight(to_tsvector(coalesce(primary_title,'')), 'A') || setweight(to_tsvector(coalesce(original_title,'')), 'B');



If you interested I'm using this importer in opensource watched movie tracker.


Import imdb dataset to PostgreSql.







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