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starting local demo

  1. git clone this repo
  2. task run-api-local
  3. task run-grpc-local

see also this section below

get scale - discover default values

curl -X GET localhost:9090/scale

yiedls: {"desiredReplicas":3}

Configure "workers" scale

curl -X POST http://localhost:9090/scale -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"desiredReplicas": 9}'

Get new scale

curl -X GET localhost:9090/scale

yiedls: {"desiredReplicas":9}

Run localy

run task run-api-local which will run the following commands for you:

  • poetry install --no-root
  • poetry run uvicorn src.api.main:app --port 9090 --reload

run task run-grpc-local which will run the following commands for you:

  • poetry run python src/custom_scaler/

run task run-worker-local which will run the following commands for you:

  • poetry install --no-root
  • poetry run uvicorn src.worker.main:app --port 8080 --reload

Build a container

run task docker-build which will run the following commands:

  • docker build -t 'your-repo/keda-poc:0.0.1'

Run via docker


add keda scaling object

  1. access to a given cluster - use a "Palygrond" cluster

  2. install keda in keda namespace - task deploy_keda

  3. deploy app in keda-poc namespace task deploy_demo_app

  4. create scaling object

  5. trigger a scale up event

  6. trigger a scale down event

our app:

  • ./ task run-api-local
  • ./ task run-worker-local