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Todo Application

Tasks with notifications

A task app using microservices architecture with the Spring Cloud, RabbitMQ, Keycloak and React ecosystem.


This is a practical project using microservices architecture with the Spring Cloud ecosystem.

I used some of the most used tools for this architecture such as Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka, RabbitMQ, Spring Cloud Gateway and Spring Cloud Loadbalancer.

4 microservices were created, which are:

Service Description
tasks-api A simple Rest API for task management.
tasks-notifications A service that manages, schedules task notifications, and sends email notifications. It has a Rest API for querying notifications.
tasks-discovery Discovery service using Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka Server.
tasks-gateway-server Routing and load balancing service using Spring Cloud Gateway and Spring Cloud Loadbalancer.

Other services were also used, such as:

  • RabbitMQ RabbitMQ used for AMQP communication between microservices.
  • Keycloak Keycloak used for authorization and authentication of users with the OAuth2 and OpenId Connect protocols.
  • PostgreSQL Database used in microservices.

This entire environment was designed to run in Docker containers, and is configured for a development environment.

The correct thing to do in a microservices architecture is to use a separate database for each service to avoid coupling between services, but I wouldn't be able to run the complete environment on my machine, which is why I decided not to do that.

Application routes

As I explained earlier, there are two REST APIs, one for the task service and one for the notification service.

The tasks-api service routes are:

Method Route Description
GET /tasks Returns all registered tasks
GET /tasks/{id} Returns the task with the specified id
POST /tasks Create a new task
PUT /tasks/{id} Updates the task with the specified id
DELETE /tasks/{id} Removes the task with the specified id

While the tasks-notifications service routes are:

Method Route Description
GET /notifications/all Returns all notifications
GET, DELETE /notifications/{id} Returns or deletes the notification with the specified id
GET /notifications/unreads Returns all unread notifications
PUT /notifications/unreads Mark all notifications as read
GET /notifications/unreads/{id} Returns the unread notification with the specified id
PUT /notifications/unreads/{id} Mark the notification with the specified id as read

Front End

I created a simple UI with all the resources available in microservices, I decided to style the application with ChakraUI which has the css in js approach with some ready-made components such as Modals and Popovers.

To be able to use the application's services, you must be authenticated. When you press "Log in", the user will be redirected to the Keycloak authentication server.

After logging in, the application will show all existing tasks, and will also show notifications.

markallasread readednotifications

They are available in the application and can be read at any time. After a task is completed, an email notification is sent.

When creating a task, it is possible to assign a title, description and when the task will end.

Start the environment

For you to be able to run the entire environment, you will need some requirements:

  • Java 21+
  • Gradle 8.5 or newer.
  • NodeJS 16+
  • Docker

After meeting the requirements, you will need to build all services to facilitate the process I created a script to do this, just run the command sh ./ in the root of the project.

With the build completed, all that remains is to run the project with the sh ./ script. Wait for all services to go up and then you can access the application UI via IP http://localhost:5173/.

The services are all configured correctly, with no additional configuration required.


This project, despite seeming simple, contains more complex things in its architecture, such as understanding how microservices work, their asynchronous communication, authentication with Single-Sign On and other knowledge of libraries from the Spring Cloud family.

The development of this project was due to my learning with microservices, it was not a project that I intended to make public. In order to show my practice and knowledge on the topic in my portfolio, I decided to make this project public.


A task app using microservices architecture with the Spring Cloud Ecosystem, Kotlin, RabbitMQ, Keycloak and React.







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