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This is a demonstration of interpreting Restricted DSL files using a schema exported from a Gradle build.

git clone


The command line application is in main.kt.

To build a distribution in build/install/external-schema-demo, run:

./gradlew installDist


  1. Run a Gradle build that exports restricted DSL schemas for settings and projects

    The Restricted DSL schemas may be found under .gradle/restricted-schema/*.something.schema in the root project directory and in the subprojects.

    Note that schemas are only exported if a settings file or a project build file uses the restricted DSL (*.gradle.something).

  2. Run this demo application with the following command line options:

    • --script <file> pointing to a settings.gradle.something or build.gradle.something file;
    • --schema <file> pointing to an exported schema file produced by the previous step
    • --mode={LOWLEVEL|DOM} (the default is LOWLEVEL) to specify which view of the data to use (see Data Views)
  3. The resulting output is the content of the top-level-receiver. Starting from the top level, each object has its properties and added objects printed recursively.

Data Views

The demo supports two kinds of data representation. You can choose one of them by using the --mode=... option.

DOM data representation

This representation accesses the declarative file via a high-level API. It can print either a "raw" document that has not been validated against any schema (for this, do not pass --schema=...) or a resolved document, which has all of its content validated against the schema.

Passing --locations=true in the DOM view will also add the source indices to the content nodes in the output.

Here's an example output of a resolved document (the resolution results are the labels like ✓:Point or +:Access):

element("restricted", configure:Extension) {
    property("id", ✓:String, literal("test"))
    property("referencePoint", ✓:Point, valueFactory("point", ✓:Point, literal(1), literal(2)))
    element("primaryAccess", configure:Access) {
        property("read", ✓:Boolean, literal(false))
        property("write", ✓:Boolean, literal(false))
    element("secondaryAccess", +:Access) {
        property("name", ✓:String, literal("two"))
        property("read", ✓:Boolean, literal(true))
        property("write", ✓:Boolean, literal(false))
    element("secondaryAccess", +:Access) {
        property("name", ✓:String, literal("three"))
        property("read", ✓:Boolean, literal(true))
        property("write", ✓:Boolean, literal(true))

LOWLEVEL data representation

This form is the view on the data that Gradle is using under the hood before mapping the declarative file content to the JVM objects.

An example output of this view:

Settings#0 {
    dependencyResolutionManagement = DependencyResolutionManagement {
        repositories = RepositoryHandler {
            + added MavenArtifactRepository#10 from (top-level-object)
            + added MavenArtifactRepository#11 from (top-level-object).dependencyResolutionManagement_default.repositories_default.mavenCentral#11()
    rootProject = ProjectDescriptor {
        name = "test"
    + added by call: (top-level-object).enableFeaturePreview#13(name = "TYPESAFE_PROJECT_ACCESSORS")
    + added by call: (top-level-object).include#14(projectPath = ":app")
    + added by call: (top-level-object).include#15(projectPath = ":app-nia-catalog")

Demo project

Clone the gradle/restricted-dsl-demo branch of

git clone --branch gradle/restricted-dsl-demo
cd nowinandroid

Run a Gradle build in that repository:

./gradlew :projects

It will produce the schema files:

  • For the settings.gradle.something file:
    • .gradle/restricted-schema/settingsPluginManagement.somethings.schema – for evaluating pluginManagement { ... }
    • .gradle/restricted-schema/settingsPlugins.somethings.schema for evaluating plugins { ... } in the settings file
    • .gradle/restricted-schema/settings.somethings.schema for the rest of the settings file content
  • For a build file, e.g. feature/search/build.gradle.something:
    • feature/search/.gradle/restricted-schema/plugins.somethings.schema for the plugins { ... } block;
    • feature/search/.gradle/restricted-schema/project.somethings.schema for the rest of the build file.

After that, run the demo app, for example:

  • To produce a raw (unvalidated) DOM of a project file:

        --script ../nowinandroid/feature/search/build.gradle.something \
        --mode DOM
  • To produce a resolved DOM view of the settings file:

    ./build/install/external-schema-demo/bin/external-schema-demo \
        --script ../nowinandroid/settings.gradle.something \
        --schema ../nowinandroid/.gradle/restricted-schema/settings.something.schema \
        --mode DOM
  • To produce a resolved DOM view of a project file with source locations:

    ./build/install/external-schema-demo/bin/external-schema-demo \
        --script ../nowinandroid/feature/search/build.gradle.something \
        --schema ../nowinandroid/feature/search/.gradle/restricted-schema/project.something.schema \
        --mode DOM \
        --locations true
  • To produce a low-level view of a project file:

    ./build/install/external-schema-demo/bin/external-schema-demo \
        --script ../nowinandroid/feature/search/build.gradle.something \
        --schema ../nowinandroid/feature/search/.gradle/restricted-schema/project.something.schema \
        --mode LOWLEVEL


A demonstration of loading a restricted DSL schema exported from an experimental Gradle build with Restricted DSL






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