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Releases: gwlucastrig/Tinfour

Release 2.1.7 Improvements to Simple Volumetric Model (SVM)

01 Aug 19:48
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The majority of the work for release 2.1.7 was directed to improving the Simple Volumetric Model (SVM). This model uses the Delaunay triangulation to model reservoir capacity with respect to changing water levels. Improvements to the module included better integration with standard GIS utilities, including the ability to export GIS-compatible contours in shapefile format and raster data in floating-point grid format. In support of these changes, the GIS module was improved for better shapefile support.

A number of other bugs and code clean up changes were also implemented.

Release 2.1.6 Iterators, Contouring, and Natural Neighbors

26 Apr 08:33
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Release 2.1.6 fills out the set of iterators for the incremental TIN classes to include the fundamental elements of a Delaunay mesh: edges, triangles, and vertices. It includes substantial revisions and improvements to the contouring classes. It provides bug fixes for the Voronoi rendering operations. And, finally, it cleans up some API elements for the Natural Neighbor Interpolator.

For 2.1.6, we've also started maintaining a new documentation page to provide better subject-matter organization and search capabilities. Additionally, the documentation now includes a description of Tinfour's unique algorithm for Natural Neighbor Interpolation (see

Release 2.1.5 Bug fixes and Lidar metadata

10 Jan 21:44
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Release 2.1.5 addresses a bug in the Natural Neighbor Interpolator operating in the fringe areas of a Delaunay mesh. It also provides better metadata access to Lidar products. A number of other small bugs were addressed and some deprecated methods were retired.

Release 2.1.4 Bug fixes and new demonstration applications

23 Sep 12:00
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Release 2.14 address bugs detected in the region-based constraints and introduces new demonstration applications in support of the Tinfour wiki page. Additional small PMD-detected issues were also addressed.

Release 2.1.3 Bug fixes and code clean up

12 Sep 00:13
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Release 2.1.3 Fixes bugs with the contouring and polygon constraint features, and includes a number of code clean up issues.

The isPointInside() method from the Incremental TIN classes has been deprecated. It was not thread-safe. A new feature called the Incremental TIN Navigator has been added to take its place.

Release 2.1.1 Bug fixes and improvements to SVM

21 Jul 12:28
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Tinfour Release 2.1.1 includes bug fixes and a number of small improvements to the Simple Volumetric Model (SVM) that was introduced in 2.1. SVM is a demonstration implementation of the Tinfour software library that shows how the package can be used to perform water capacity and volume calculations for reservoirs and lakes based on varying water level. We are issuing this release in preparation for the introduction of contouring features which are now under development.

Release 2.1.1 also includes a new example class ExampleVoronoi that demonstrates the use of the Voronoi Diagram utililities.

The previous release introduced two new jar files with bundled dependencies that provide convenient resources for running Tinfour applications. These have been updated. The TinfourViewer interactive application from the demo package is given under the name TinfourDemo-2.1.1-jar_with_dependencies.jar. The Simple Volumetric Model command-line application is given under the name TinfourSvm-2.1.1-jar_with_dependencies.jar.

Source code is available from the main Github site or via the Assets link shown below.

Compiled binaries (Java jar files) are available at the well-known Sonatype Maven Repository website located at

Release 2.1 Introduces the Simple Volumetric Model

03 Jul 23:06
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Tinfour Release 2.1 includes several small improvements to the API and the introduction of a new module, the Simple Volumetric Model (SVM). SVM is a demonstration implementation of the Tinfour software library that shows how the package can be used to perform water capacity and volume calculations for reservoirs and lakes based on varying water level.

The release also includes two new jar files with bundled dependencies that provide convenient resources for running Tinfour applications. The TinfourViewer interactive application from the demo package is given under the name TinfourDemo-2.1-jar_with_dependencies.jar. The Simple Volumetric Model command-line application is given under the name TinfourSvm-2.1-jar_with_dependencies.jar.

Source code is available from this site or via the Assets link shown below.

Compiled binaries (Java jar files) are available at the well-known Sonatype Maven Repository website located at

Release 2.0 Transition to Maven Build System

11 Feb 23:23
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With Release 2.0, the Tinfour code base is migrating to the Maven build environment. This transition has several advantages. Most importantly, it brings Tinfour into conformance with the standards and procedures endorsed by the Github open-source software hosting system. It also makes the Tinfour binaries (Jar files) available on Maven Central. And will facilitate automatic integration with other software projects.

Unfortunately, the transition did involve one major change to the Tinfour code. All Java packages that were formerly named "tinfour", are now named "org.tinfour". This change will affect existing application code. For example, if a Java class had an import statement for "tinfour.standard.IncrementalTin", it would have to change to "org.tinfour.standard.IncrementalTin". Because this package naming convention is required for distributing code under the Maven build environment, it will become a permanent fixture in future Tinfour software distributions.

First release

25 Sep 23:51
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This release includes source code and binaries for the Tinfour project. It is primarily intended to support developers who do not wish to build their own binaries.