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Sprint 5

Liam-Mazure edited this page Nov 30, 2022 · 1 revision

HoloLens Sprint 5 Report

Prepared by: Liam Mazure, Chase Mulder, Mohammad Saleh, and Lucas Seeterlin

Intended Progress

Team HoloLens’s fifth sprints intended progress was tying the new buttons to the new layers created for the full body in the previous sprints. The work has been divided into smaller more accomplishable pieces for each group member. Lucas worked on adding descriptions to everything. Liam accomplished the magnifying glass and being able to see a zoomed in picture through the glass. Mohammad UV mapped a new facial texture onto the models. Chase installed the Mixed Reality VR packages in Unity to be able to deploy on the HoloLens over IP.

The group has now met three times with the previous developers and five times with the doctor sponsor. The meetings with the previous developer were very useful in learning how to make the magnifying glass and deploying on the HoloLens over IP. There is still the burst compiler error when building the project, so we’ve decided to deploy over IP instead.

Liam’s plan was to complete the magnification effect for the magnifying glass model that he brought to the project the previous sprint. Along with making it able to be manipulated by the user. Allowing them the ability to move the model around and view the anatomical models in more detail. He also set out to expand the lattice to allow for the additional reference points to be placed. Overall this would mean the models could mold to the users reference. Expanding and retracting the models limbs depending on the users placements of the reference points.

Chase set up a well documented file on GitHub on what packages and versions in Unity to install in order to deploy the project on the HoloLens. This is a legacy project and the sponsor intends on continuing development, so our group’s documentation will be very helpful to the next group. Chase also uploaded a YouTube video on the entirety of the development in Unity. There’s also timestamps in the description of the YouTube video.

Lucas dedicated his time in the first half of the sprint to bug fixes regarding the new features that have been added into the project such as the icons. There were some issues with the sizing of the icons when being toggled, in which Lucas went into the inspector to adjust the scaling. Once this was complete, Lucas added the lymphatic system into the project as well as adding the appropriate prefab into the male and female models. Lucas finished the sprint working with the group to figure out how to connect the Hololens to the Unity scene without deploying in order to test the new features.

Mohammad's goal was to incorporate different faces of individuals onto the models. The goal was to have the user's face to be uploaded to be meshed into the skin of the model. The way that he approached the problem was by using blender and photoshop. Used the same method as the previous assigned developer/artist but the face would have to be meshed using a tedious process. He also plans on adding more reference points to the lattice, and an avatar.

Progress Reflection

Liam understands that the team has made great progress over the last few sprints. He had issues with both the magnifying glass along with the lattice which prevented the completion of both portions. He has taken the proper steps to work towards a solution, but still needs to put in more work to see them come to fruition. He was slowed by the time spent crafting the team's poster and will continue to work on the two portions in the following sprint.

Chase thinks the project overall is on track and is going to make the sponsor very happy in the end. For Showcase our group is going to have two HoloLenses being passed around with the project running. This will give most people the opportunity to try on the HoloLens and play around with the models in VR space. Our group will also have a TV which will be streaming the live video of what the person using the HoloLens sees.

Lucas feels that the group has come a long way both on the project and with their Unity schools throughout the last few sprints. Coming into the project, none of the group had much experience with Unity, let alone working with augmented reality applications. However, meeting with the previous developers and using online resources gave the group enough knowledge to make the requested changes from the client.

Mohammad believes the team has made significant progress implementing the magnifying lens, live streaming the hololens, how-to video, and implementing the face feature. Looking back the team was asking how to implement these features now the customer is impressed with progress as well as interaction with the previous developers. Now Mohammad learned how to use unity, blender, and photoshop.

Problems Encountered

Liam struggled with finishing both the magnification and lattice for the full body models. He was able to get the magnifying glass into the project, but is unable to allow it to be manipulated by the user while the application is running. He was able to expand the lattice, but is still placing the reference points in the correct portions of the lattice. These sections of the project proved to me more challenging than originally thought which has prevented their completion in the time frame that was set up by the team.

Chase spent a majority of the time this sprint on debugging the burst compiler error that was preventing our group from deploying the project. The burst compiler was upgraded multiple times to no avail and many forums were scoured on how to solve the error. The previous developer was able to workaround the error by using a prefab from the second phase project called HoloViewer and the scripts were able to transfer over to the first project. Our group can now deploy our newest version of the project to the HoloLens from a PC to the HoloLens over IP.

Lucas encountered a bug early in the sprint that did not allow him to create a build and run the program on the Hololens headset, preventing him from being able to do any testing on the headset until finding an alternate solution. Lucas was able to work around this bug by using Unity’s built-in augmented reality through the play mode to view changes. The only other issue that Lucas encountered while working this sprint was the improper scaling of the icons when they are selected, which was quickly fixed.

Mohammad struggled with learning blender. So he spent time learning how to implement Meta Spark Studio, but importing the mapped face onto the skin didn’t fit well, so using blender UV mapping it would output the uv mapped 2 dimensional image of the face then he had to use photoshop to make the skin. It was very time consuming but very doable.

Projected Progress

Liam knows that the progress he made from the previous sprint has put him in great standing to complete his sections in the following sprint. He intended to be able to utilize these functions in the team's up and coming demos. Meaning he plans to continue to work diligently on these sections to ensure their completion in the up and coming weeks ahead.

Chase has made progress in creating the video demo for showcase and video demo on the Unity development. There was also a lot of time spent on deploying the project over IP, but our group got it to deploy. There’s still work to be done on deploying over usb, but there’s version errors with the burst compiler. There was also a lot of progress made on the Read Me doc for the next group on packages they need to install in order to continue working on the project. The next group needs to install in Unity the Mixed Reality Tool Kit and set up their project settings for Open XR. Further progress is to be made on the demo video and Read Me and final report.

Lucas feels confident in the progress that the group has made thus far. The group is in a great position to spend the next couple of weeks cleaning up the project and fixing any remaining bugs in order to wrap the project up. He will continue to work on cleaning up the UI as well as adding in custom definitions for each organ and system in the project.

Mohammad is happy with the progress the group has made so far. He started working on implementing an avatar feature, which makes the avatar of the user which will be next side-by-side to the human anatomy. For the next sprint or group that takes up the project it will be easy to pick up and build off of. As this project comes to an end, cleaning up and adding more reference points and finishing the final report is top priority.

Update of Burndown Chart


The fifth sprint as a whole went as expected for the group. Various bugs were encountered and squashed, slightly slowing down the group's progress. However, most of the work that the group expected to finish this sprint still got finished.

Issues moved into Sprint 6: -Deploying the project onto the HoloLens Issues created for Sprint 6: -Redoing the definitions for each flashcard -Reorganizing/categorizing the UI

Teamwork Reflections

Liam’s experience has been incredibly motivating. He has had a great experience throughout the semester working with his other three group members. They are all more than willing to step up when needed and are always asking questions to make sure the work is done properly and on time. Everyone has had their fair share of setbacks, but has always persevered to get the job done.

Chase feels that the project as a whole will please the sponsor because we’ve met all his goals. Group meetings have been very productive and we’ve been able to tackle all the issues encountered. The meetings with the previous developer have been the most helpful, so that’s why we’ve a YouTube video on our progress. This is a legacy project and our group intends on leaving well documented code and directions on how to continue the project.

Lucas feels confident in the work that the group has done so far, and is proud to have made progress on an application in which none of the group was familiar with. The group works well together in planning out what each member will work on in the beginning of each sprint, and executing the plan. Something that Lucas looks forward to in the future is being able to show off the product to those who are interested in augmented reality technology.

Mohammad is happy with the teamwork and the progress we have made so far. Creating features on an application that we didn't know existed. The team worked together to implement and solve problems, as each person had a specific task and the team also was readily available for troubleshooting. Mohammad is looking forward to seeing what else can be built off this project as it gets handed off to future teams.


As a whole, the team feels confident that the work they put into the project is something they are excited to share with others over the next few weeks. Along with being able to give this product to Gus the client to allow him to continue with future teams in order to fully finish the project. The team was able to accomplish their intended goals and much more. There is work still to be done, but the team is happy with their current product and is excited to see where else the project will go. They hope that the work they put in along with the documentation they created will pave the way for future groups to continue to make enormous strides towards a finished product.