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YouTube Likes Count Prediction

This method uses various OSM platforms' data to predict likes on a YouTube video alt tag

Steps to run (Assuming Ubuntu 16.04 with python3.X and mongoDB installed and setup):

First install all the requirements:

$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Next import the raw.json and processed.json as :

$ mongoimport -d PreCog -c YoutubeRaw -h localhost:27017 raw.json
$ mongoimport -d PreCog -c YoutubeProcessed -h localhost:27017 processed.json

Now if you do not want to add the required API credentials, for testing purpose you can use the video IDS in 'testVideos.txt' via the Flask Web App.

$ python3

To run for any video add the following detials to the mentioned files :

  • Ibm Tone Analyser Credentials - utils/
  • Facebook Graph API access token - utils/
  • Google Account Details - utils/
  • Reddit API details - utils/
  • YouTubeAPI developer KEY - utils/

Finally run :

$ python3

You should now be able to use the flask webapp (http://localhost:5000/) to make predictions