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WhatsApp Chat Analyzer

WhatsApp Chat Analyzer is an interactive and feature-rich tool that helps you gain valuable insights from your WhatsApp chat history. Analyze your conversations, discover patterns, and extract meaningful information about your chats.


1. Load and Analyze Your Chat

  • Import your WhatsApp chat history from a text file.
  • Automatic parsing of messages and dates.

2. User Selection

  • Choose a specific user to analyze their chat activity.
  • Option to view group-level statistics for an overall perspective.

3. Chat Statistics

  • Get an overview of the chat with statistics such as:
    • Total messages sent.
    • Total words used.
    • Number of media shared.
    • Time spent chatting (in days).

4. Word Cloud Visualization

  • Visualize the most frequently used words in the chat with an interactive word cloud.
  • Customize the appearance of the word cloud.

5. Media Type Analysis

  • Identify the preferred media types shared in the chat.
  • View distribution and statistics of media types (e.g., images, stickers, links).

6. Timeline Analysis

  • Explore monthly and daily chat activity with interactive charts.
  • Understand when the chat is most active.
  • Discover the most active days of the week and preferred chat hours.

7. User-Specific Insights

  • If analyzing a specific user, receive personalized insights about their activity.
  • Find out the user's most active days and chat hours.


Ensure you have the following Python libraries installed:

  • streamlit: For building the interactive web app.
  • pandas: For data handling and analysis.
  • re: For regular expressions.
  • wordcloud: For generating word clouds.
  • matplotlib: For creating data visualizations.
  • plotly: For interactive charts.

Install the dependencies using the following command:

pip install streamlit pandas re wordcloud matplotlib plotly


  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.
  2. Install the required dependencies as mentioned above.
  3. Run the Streamlit app with the provided Python script.
  1. Upload your WhatsApp chat history as a text file.
  2. Select the user or choose "Overall" for group-level analysis.
  3. Click the "Show Analysis" button to explore the insights.


  • Aayush Kumar Gupta