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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

🍍 algorithms
🍍 algorithms
New or existing graph algorithms question.
🏡 api
🏡 api
API related changes, suggestions, issues.
🐛 bug
🐛 bug
Use to report bugs in the issues or fix bugs in a pull request.
🏭 build
🏭 build
Compilation or build issues with cmake or make?
🐙 c++
🐙 c++
C++ related issues.
🧹clean up
🧹clean up
gunrock's git repository clean-up, code organization.
🌉 continuous integration
🌉 continuous integration
CI related issues or suggestions.
🍃 cuda & nvcc
🍃 cuda & nvcc
CUDA/NVCC related issues.
📋 documentation
📋 documentation
All documentation related PRs and issues.
💥 duplicate
💥 duplicate
Mark duplicates and make sure only one is active (close rest).
🐲 enhancement
🐲 enhancement
Add or request enhancements to existing functionalities within gunrock.
🔬 experiment
🔬 experiment
Figures, experiments to understand performance.
🍻 help wanted
🍻 help wanted
Extra attention is needed
gunrock-java related stuff.
⚖️ load-balancing
⚖️ load-balancing
Load-balance related issues.
🔰 n00b (good first issue)
🔰 n00b (good first issue)
🚂 operators
🚂 operators
Looking/Adding a new operator or a core functionality to an existing operator?
overloaded issue
overloaded issue
Issue with bunch of issues inside it, can be split into multiple issues.
perf. related bugs or questions.
🐍 python
🐍 python
Python related issues
❓ question
❓ question
Usage or code base related questions.
Request or implementation of refactored code
issues and pull requests to resolve before release.
research related projects (with unknowns)
review request
review request
gunrock related request from reviewers
🧪 testing
🧪 testing
Regression, unit tests, and other testing related issues.
near term to-dos!
🍷 windows
🍷 windows
Windows related issues.
💩 wontfix
💩 wontfix
Not a bug or wontfix.