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amobiz edited this page Feb 25, 2016 · 1 revision

Q. Does gulp-chef violate the "preferring code over configuration" philosophy of gulp?

A. No, you write codes as usual and abstract changes in configurations.

Gulp-chef adds flexibility by helping:

Q. Are there any alternatives?

A. Yes, there are gulp-cozy, gulp-load-subtasks, gulp-starter, elixir, and a lot more.

Q. So, what advantages do gulp-chef have over others?


  • Gulp-chef is non-intrusive. It does not force or restrict you to its API to write recipes.
  • Gulp-chef is powerful yet easy to use. Build in best practices such as merging, and queuing streams. This means you can keep your task do one thing and do it well, and then assemble your tasks via configuration.
  • Gulp-chef itself and its sharable plugins are true node modules. That means you can install and manage dependencies via npm. No more copy and paste, stop worrying about outdated, or out of sync tasks.
  • There is great flexibility you can decide how to use gulp-chef, minimal or maximal, whatever you choice.