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Tiny POS system written in NET Core 2.1 and Angular 6 as training for Belatrix Software.


Build and run


First, modify the file appSettings.json to change the connection string to point to your database.

💡 Tip: You can use Heroku free tier PostgreSQL service.

You need to run the dotnet restore command in order to fetch all project dependencies. After that, you need to setup the database executing dotnet ef database update. This command will create the tables in the database.

⚠️ Please take care that you have installed and using DotNet 2.1 at least. Also, you need PostgreSQL 8.x to 9.x. PostgreSQL's 10.x versions probably works without inconvenients, but I didn't test it.

To run the project, just execute dotnet run.


You need to compile the Typescript source code to ES5 code. To do this, just need to install the @angular/cli tool (version 6.x or highter). Once installed, just execute ng serve to run the server or ng build to generate a single bundle file.

⚠️ Take care you're using node 8.x or higher to work without problems.