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List of Guard Commands

Richard Michael edited this page Oct 20, 2018 · 7 revisions

Just launch Guard through Bundler inside your Ruby or Rails project with:

$ bundle exec guard

Additional commands can be appended to the end of the Guard command.

$ bundle exec guard <command>


  • Init - setup a new Guardfile with default plugin config templates
  • Help - show detailed help for other commands
  • List - show available and used plugins
  • Show - show configuration options for each used plugin
  • Notifiers - show list of available notifiers and which ones are used


You can generate a Guardfile and have all installed plugins be automatically added into it by running the init task without any option:

$ bundle exec guard init

You can also specify the name of an installed plugin to only get that plugin template in the generated Guardfile:

$ bundle exec guard init <guard-name>

You can also specify the names of multiple plugins to only get those plugin templates in the generated Guardfile:

$ bundle exec guard init <guard1-name> <guard2-name>

You can also define your own templates in ~/.guard/templates/ which can be appended in the same way to your existing Guardfile:

$ bundle exec guard init <template-name>

Note: If you already have a Guardfile in the current directory, the init task can be used to append a supplied template from an installed plugin to your existing Guardfile.

You also can generate an empty Guardfile by running the init task with the bare option: (-b/--bare)

$ bundle exec guard init --bare
$ bundle exec guard init -b # shortcut


You can always get help on the available tasks with the help task:

$ bundle exec guard help

Requesting more detailed help on a specific task is simple: just append the task name to the help task. For example, to get help for the start task, simply run:

$ bundle exec guard help start


You can list the available plugins with the list task:

$ bundle exec guard list
| Plugin   | In Guardfile |
| Compass  ||
| Cucumber ||
| Jammit   ||
| Ronn     ||
| Rspec    ||
| Spork    ||
| Yard     ||


You can show the structure of the groups and their plugins with the show task:

$ bundle exec guard show
| Group   | Plugin | Option          | Value                      |
| Specs   | Rspec  | all_after_pass  | true                       |
|         |        | all_on_start    | true                       |
|         |        | cli             | "--fail-fast --format doc" |
|         |        | focus_on_failed | false                      |
|         |        | keep_failed     | true                       |
|         |        | run_all         | {}                         |
|         |        | spec_paths      | ["spec"]                   |
| Docs    | Ronn   |                 |                            |

This shows the internal structure of the evaluated Guardfile or .Guardfile, with the .guard.rb file. You can read more about these files in the shared configuration section.


You can show the notifiers, their availablity and options with the notifier task:

$ bundle exec guard notifiers
| Name              | Available | Used | Option                 | Value             |
| gntp              ||| sticky                 | false             |
| growl             ||| sticky                 | false             |
|                   |           |      | priority               | 0                 |

This shows if a notifier is available on the current system, if it's being used and the current options (which reflects your custom options merged into the default options).