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Releases: gtatters/Thermimage

Thermimage v4.1.3

23 Sep 23:06
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updated frameLocates to reflect changes in R-devel to as.character() function.

Thermimage v4.1.2

20 Aug 12:48
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added error message to readflirjpg for reading files that do not contain radiometric data; fixed description file

Thermimage v4.1.1

20 Aug 12:35
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Added error message to readflirjpg when loading incorrect filetype

Thermimage 4.1.0

21 Dec 16:39
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added the option to split thermal video files based on different filetype/header types

Thermimage 4.0.1

30 Nov 03:27
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Fixed piping issues in convertflirVID function to function properly in windows. See Issue #8.

Thermimage 4.0.0

31 Oct 22:25
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fixed calculation error in raw2temp and temp2raw functions based on atmospheric attenuation constants

Thermimage 3.2.1

18 May 02:59
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Minor fix to readflirjpg to allow it to function with the new zeroindex option available in locate.fid

Thermimage 3.2.0

17 May 19:24
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Fixed frameLocates function to search for magic byte as raw variables rather than integers, this forced changes to getTimes, getFrames, and the locate.fid functions.

This was required in order to fix an issue where the time stamps returned were completely incorrect.

Tested and shown to work on numerous seq files collected using 3 different cameras.

Thermimage 3.1.4

28 Apr 00:33
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Fixed frameLocates bug

Thermimage v3.1.1

10 Sep 15:06
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A collection of functions and routines for inputting thermal image video files, plotting and converting binary raw data into estimates of temperature. The current release includes functions for converting files into a format to be imported into image analysis software, along with minor patches.