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Releases: grimsi/accservermanager

Release 1.0.0

09 Apr 18:12
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First stable release

Overview of the features:

  • support for ACC 0.7.2
  • integrated UI available on port 8000
  • create/delete/edit/assign events
  • create/delete/edit/start/stop/pause/resume servers
  • running the application in docker is possible (at least on linux)

1.0.0 - Release Candidate 2

03 Apr 18:21
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This is the last release to officially support ACC 0.6.5
All newer releases will only support 0.7+ (although they may still be able to run 0.6.X servers, I wont guarantee it).

Fixed a bit of stuff in order to make the application dockerizable

1.0.0 - Release Candidate 1

02 Apr 14:51
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This is the first release candidate for my ACC Server Manager.
This version contains a frontend based on Angular 7 and Angular Material.
The application uses port 8000 on default, so connect to that port with your browser after you installed it.

Release 0.3.0

30 Mar 20:13
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Release 0.3.0 Pre-release

Added realtime server push functionality (the "[...]/stream" endpoints) based on Server Sent Events
Fixed a few bugs regarding the updating process of instances and events
Fixed a few more possible bugs

Release 0.2.0

17 Mar 19:19
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Release 0.2.0 Pre-release

Changed the API, "configs" are now just "events" and configuration of serverName, ports, ... will now be handled for each instance. Please refer to the 'api-spec.yaml' for a full description of the API.
This change allows the user to have multiple servers with the same event.
Also fixed a few bugs and possible bugs and reduced the amount of MongoDB collections.
Please drop the "accservermanager" database if youre updating from 0.1.x (make sure to save your configs somewhere else or you will lose them).

Release 0.1.1

17 Mar 15:11
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Release 0.1.1 Pre-release

This release fixes a few bugs that occured when the user deleted folders or containers manually.
It also introduces a new feature where the backend will try to delete unassigned containers (can be turned off).
Also I added new validators to prevent errors.

As always please reach out to me via issues if you encounter any problems.

First public release

16 Mar 20:56
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First public release Pre-release

This is the first public available release of the software.
You can create configs and instances and start instances in a docker container.
All you need is a installed MongoDB on the host and docker.
The next release will have the backend itself in a container so you will only need docker from this point onwards.

If you find a bug or something is not clear for you, just open a new issue.