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Green Dev Onboarding

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Why we are here

As a long time OSGi veteran Toni got frustrated about the status quo of OSGi and modularity in general. As Michael Feathers put it:

There was this thing called modularity once. (

As a way to understand the situation and put things into context without just hyping OSGi again, take a step back and ask "why is modularity not a thing/cool"?

Thats actually how GreenDev got born, a compact description is here:

As you see, there is no mention of OSGi and this is on purpose. We try to put the problem area first. OSGi is a (potential) solution and (currently) a common background of the members.

What happened so far

  • The initial kick-off of greendev was in a hangout on June 6th, 2019.
  • The kick-off question was: "Can OSGi become relevant again or is it dead" (in german there was a better way of expressing this though).
  • This hackernews discussion probably describes it best:

Current Conclusion in context of OSGi

  • public view is not good, you have a hard time finding projects, positive experiences, progress, even finding people who "know about it".
  • The Alliance is a hidden guild, participating seems outdated (paywall, no PRs, website news once per year?)
  • But public arguments against OSGi are mostly uninformed and emotional. Something where other frameworks (lead by companies) just throw people at to fix. (e.g, Pivotal has people living in planes like Josh). This means that right now, the situation with OSGi does NOT seem hopeless.

Next major steps

  • The OSGi Community Event (together with Eclipscon) in October 2019 seems like the natural next face to face oportunity. Maybe we can propose a talk?
  • Beccoming an OSGi Member (Contributing Associate or higher) is still on the table. But this will only affect a subset of people involved in GreenDev thanks to the 2-member limit for Contributing Associate membership.

Who we are

(In order of appearance)