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HTTP request/response assertion plugin for grappa. grappa-http extends grappa assertion operators with HTTP protocol testing.

To get started, take a look to the documentation, tutorial and examples.


import pook
import requests
from grappa_http import should

# Activate the HTTP mock engine

# Register a sample mock
pook.get('', reply=200,
         response_headers={'Server': 'nginx'},
         response_json={'foo': 'bar'})

# Perform HTTP request
res = requests.get('')

# Test response status to be OK
res |
# Or alternatively using the status code
res | should.have.status(200)

# Test request URL
res | should.have.url.hostname('')
res | should.have.url.port(80)
res | should.have.url.path('/foo')
res | should.have.url.query.params({'bar': 'baz'})

# Test response body MIME content type
res | should.have.content('json')

# Test response headers
(res | (should.have.header('Content-Type')'application/json')))
res | should.have.header('Server').that.should.contain('nginx')

# Test response body
res |'{\n    "foo": "bar"\n}')
res | should.have.body.that.contains('foo')

# Test response body length
res | should.have.body.length.of(20)
res | should.have.body.length.higher.than(10)

# Test response JSON body
res |{'foo': 'bar'})
res | should.have.json.have.key('foo') >'bar')

# Validate response JSON bodies using JSONSchema
res | should.implement.jsonschema({
    '$schema': '',
    'title': 'Response JSON',
    'type': 'object',
    'required': ['foo'],
    'properties': {
        'foo': {
            'description': 'foo always means foo',
            'type': 'string'

Full-featured error report example:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "grappa-http/tests/", line 38, in test_http_tutorial
    res |'{\n    "foo": "baa"\n}')
  File "grappa/grappa/", line 208, in __ror__
    return self.__overload__(value)
  File "grappa/grappa/", line 196, in __overload__
    return self.__call__(subject, overload=True)
  File "grappa/grappa/", line 73, in __call__
    return self._trigger() if overload else Test(subject)
  File "grappa/grappa/", line 113, in _trigger
    raise err
AssertionError: Oops! Something went wrong!

  The following assertion was not satisfied
    subject "{\n    "foo": "bar"\n}" should have body equal to "{\n    "foo": "baa"\n}"

  What we expected
    a response body data equal to:
            "foo": "baa"

  What we got instead
    a response body with data:
            "foo": "bar"

  Difference comparison
    >   {
    > -     "foo": "bar"
    > ?               ^
    > +     "foo": "baa"
    > ?               ^
    >   }

    File "grappa-http/tests/", line 38, in test_http_tutorial

    30|       res | should.have.content('json')
    32|       # Test response headers
    33|       (res | (should.have.header('Content-Type')
    34|     'application/json')))
    35|       res | should.have.header('Server').that.should.contain('nginx')
    37|       # Test response body
    38| >     res |'{\n    "foo": "baa"\n}')
    39|       res | should.have.body.that.contains('foo')
    41|       # Test response body length
    42|       res | should.have.body.length.of(20)
    43|       res | should.have.body.length.higher.than(10)
    45|       # Test response JSON body


  • Full-featured HTTP response assertions.
  • Supports any protocol primitive assertions.
  • First-class support for JSON body assertion.
  • Built-in JSONSchema validation.
  • Full-features request URL validation.
  • Featured regular expression based assertion.
  • Works with requests and aiohttp HTTP clients.
  • Friendly and detailed assertion error reporting with body diff comparisons.
  • Provides both expect and should assertion styles.
  • Testing framework agnostic. Works with unittest, nosetests, pytest, behave...
  • Works with Python 2.6+, 3+, PyPy and possibly other Python implementations.

Supported HTTP clients


Using pip package manager:

pip install --upgrade grappa-http

Or install the latest sources from Github:

pip install -e git+git://