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Implementation of Authentication package.


To use Authentication in a SwiftPM project:

  1. Add the following line to the dependencies in your Package.swift file:
.package(url: "", branch: "main"),
  1. Add Login as a dependency for your target:
.target(name: "MyTarget", dependencies: [
  .product(name: "Authentication", package: "di-mobile-ios-authentication")
  1. Add import Authentication and import UserDetails in your source code.

Package description

The Authentication package authenticates a users details and enables them to log into their account securely. This is done by providing them with a login session and token.

The package also integrates openID AppAuth and conforms to its standards, and also uses NetworkClient from the Networking package.



A struct which conforms to Codable. It requires the following to be implemented:

public struct UserInfo: Codable {
  let sub: String
  let phoneNumberVerified: Bool
  let phoneNumber: String?
  let emailVerified: Bool
  public let email: String


UserService implements the UserServicing protocol in order to make a request with an authentication token. The request will fetch the UserInfo object.


Handles creating the config found in LoginSession. It requires the following to be initialised:

  let authorizationEndpoint: URL
  let tokenEndpoint: URL
  let responseType: ResponseType
  let scopes: [Scope]
  let clientID: String
  let prefersEphemeralWebSession: Bool
  let redirectURI: String
  let vectorsOfTrust: String
  let locale: UILocale

The struct also contains three enums to handle the language, the response and the scopes required for sending the OIDAuthorizationRequest within the AppAuthSession.


A class to handle the login flow with the given auth provider and conforms to the LoginSession protocol. It uses the UIWindow to know where to display the login modal.

performLoginFlow takes configuration, which comes from LoginSessionConfiguration, as a parameter and contains the login information to make the request. Any errors received in the authorization flow through the openID package are thrown. Otherwise, the token response is returned.

finalise takes a URL to redirect to as a parameter and returns a token response. If userAgent was not assigned inside the present method an error is thrown.

Example Implementation

How to use the Authentication package

To use the Authentication package, first, make sure your module or app has a dependency on Authentication and UserDetails and import both into the relevant file(s). Next, initialise an instance of AppAuthSession (which conforms to LoginSession) and LoginSessionConfiguration, then call present on your session, with the configuration as a parameter.

import Authentication
import UserDetails


let session: LoginSession
  init(session: LoginSession) {
    self.session = session


let configuration = LoginSessionConfiguration(authorizationEndpoint: url,
                                              responseType: .code,
                                              scopes: [.openid, .email, .phone, .offline_access],
                                              clientID: "someClientID",
                                              prefersEphemeralWebSession: true,
                                              redirectURI: "someRedirectURI",
                                              vectorsOfTrust: "someVectorOfTrust",
                                              locale: .en)
session.performLoginFlow(configuration: configuration)

Your code should include a redirect URL handler method in either the SceneDelegate or AppDelegate. Therefore, once performLoginFlow has been called, the user logs in and selects a redirect link on the login modal. The device will redirect into the app and the url is passed into the call to finalise.

// SceneDelegate.swift


if let webURL = userActivity.webpageURL {
  viewController?.handleCallback(redirectURL: webURL)

Note: Depending on how your app has been configured, the redirect URL handler should be placed within the corresponding delegate method in each file. For example, the impletentation for SceneDelegate, AppDelegate and SwiftUI is as follows:


func scene(_ scene: UIScene, continue userActivity: NSUserActivity) {
  //handle redirect URL


func application(_ application: UIApplication, 
                continue userActivity: NSUserActivity,
                restorationHandler: @escaping ([UIUserActivityRestoring]?) -> Void) -> Bool {
                  // handle redirect URL


struct PlaygroundApp: App {
  var body: some Scene {
    WindowGroup {
        .onOpenURL { url in
          // handle redirect URL

To get a token, call the finalise method on the session. The token can then be used to get an authenticatedClient, which in turn is used to create an instance of UserService.

fetchUserInfo can then be called on the UserService object to receive the required data.

do {
  let tokens = try await session.finalise(redirectURL: url)
  let authenticatedClient = NetworkClient(authenticationProvider: tokens)
  let service = UserService(client: authenticatedClient)
  let userInfo = try await service.fetchUserInfo()
} catch {
  // handle errors