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perf: further avoid using proto-plus wrapper when unmarshalling entit…
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…ies (#190)

Always unwrap to get the raw protobuf message, rather than the proto-plus wrapper.

We are back to within a few percent of the older/faster version on my comparison test.

Closes #150.
  • Loading branch information
tseaver committed Jul 9, 2021
1 parent e24333f commit d0481bf
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Showing 5 changed files with 73 additions and 133 deletions.
93 changes: 31 additions & 62 deletions google/cloud/datastore/
Expand Up @@ -22,6 +22,7 @@

from google.protobuf import struct_pb2
from google.type import latlng_pb2
from proto.datetime_helpers import DatetimeWithNanoseconds

from import _datetime_to_pb_timestamp
from import datastore as datastore_pb2
Expand All @@ -33,8 +34,8 @@
def _get_meaning(value_pb, is_list=False):
"""Get the meaning from a protobuf value.
:type value_pb: :class:`.entity_pb2.Value`
:param value_pb: The protobuf value to be checked for an
:type value_pb: :class:`.entity_pb2.Value._pb`
:param value_pb: The *raw* protobuf value to be checked for an
associated meaning.
:type is_list: bool
Expand All @@ -47,14 +48,9 @@ def _get_meaning(value_pb, is_list=False):
means it just returns a list of meanings. If all the
list meanings agree, it just condenses them.
meaning = None
if is_list:

values = (
if hasattr(value_pb, "_pb")
else value_pb.array_value.values
values = value_pb.array_value.values

# An empty list will have no values, hence no shared meaning
# set among them.
Expand All @@ -65,16 +61,18 @@ def _get_meaning(value_pb, is_list=False):
# the rest which may be enum/int values.
all_meanings = [_get_meaning(sub_value_pb) for sub_value_pb in values]
unique_meanings = set(all_meanings)

if len(unique_meanings) == 1:
# If there is a unique meaning, we preserve it.
meaning = unique_meanings.pop()
return unique_meanings.pop()
else: # We know len(value_pb.array_value.values) > 0.
# If the meaning is not unique, just return all of them.
meaning = all_meanings
return all_meanings

elif value_pb.meaning: # Simple field (int32).
meaning = value_pb.meaning
return value_pb.meaning

return meaning
return None

def _new_value_pb(entity_pb, name):
Expand All @@ -89,29 +87,12 @@ def _new_value_pb(entity_pb, name):
:rtype: :class:`.entity_pb2.Value`
:returns: The new ``Value`` protobuf that was added to the entity.
properties =
properties = properties._pb
except AttributeError:
# TODO(microgenerator): shouldn't need this. the issue is that
# we have wrapped and non-wrapped protos coming here.
# TODO(microgenerator): shouldn't need this. the issue is that
# we have wrapped and non-wrapped protos coming here.
properties = getattr(, "_pb",
return properties.get_or_create(name)

def _property_tuples(entity_pb):
"""Iterator of name, ``Value`` tuples from entity properties.
:type entity_pb: :class:`.entity_pb2.Entity`
:param entity_pb: An entity protobuf to add a new property to.
:rtype: :class:`generator`
:returns: An iterator that yields tuples of a name and ``Value``
corresponding to properties on the entity.
return iter(

def entity_from_protobuf(pb):
"""Factory method for creating an entity based on a protobuf.
Expand All @@ -124,21 +105,18 @@ def entity_from_protobuf(pb):
:rtype: :class:``
:returns: The entity derived from the protobuf.
if not isinstance(pb, entity_pb2.Entity):
proto_pb = entity_pb2.Entity.wrap(pb)
proto_pb = pb
if isinstance(pb, entity_pb2.Entity):
pb = pb._pb

key = None
if "key" in proto_pb: # Message field (Key)
key = key_from_protobuf(proto_pb.key)
if pb.HasField("key"): # Message field (Key)
key = key_from_protobuf(pb.key)

entity_props = {}
entity_meanings = {}
exclude_from_indexes = []

for prop_name, value_pb in _property_tuples(proto_pb._pb):
for prop_name, value_pb in
value = _get_value_from_value_pb(value_pb)
entity_props[prop_name] = value

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -384,7 +362,7 @@ def _pb_attr_value(val):
return name + "_value", value

def _get_value_from_value_pb(value):
def _get_value_from_value_pb(pb):
"""Given a protobuf for a Value, get the correct value.
The Cloud Datastore Protobuf API returns a Property Protobuf which
Expand All @@ -394,56 +372,47 @@ def _get_value_from_value_pb(value):
Some work is done to coerce the return value into a more useful type
(particularly in the case of a timestamp value, or a key value).
:type value_pb: :class:`.entity_pb2.Value`
:param value_pb: The Value Protobuf.
:type pb: :class:`.entity_pb2.Value._pb`
:param pb: The *raw* Value Protobuf.
:rtype: object
:returns: The value provided by the Protobuf.
:raises: :class:`ValueError <exceptions.ValueError>` if no value type
has been set.
if not getattr(value, "_pb", False):
# Coerce raw pb type into proto-plus pythonic type.
value = entity_pb2.Value.wrap(value)

value_type = value._pb.WhichOneof("value_type")
value_type = pb.WhichOneof("value_type")

if value_type == "timestamp_value":
# Do not access `._pb` here, as that returns a Timestamp proto,
# but this should return a Pythonic `DatetimeWithNanoseconds` value,
# which is found at `value.timestamp_value`
result = value.timestamp_value
result = DatetimeWithNanoseconds.from_timestamp_pb(pb.timestamp_value)

elif value_type == "key_value":
result = key_from_protobuf(value._pb.key_value)
result = key_from_protobuf(pb.key_value)

elif value_type == "boolean_value":
result = value._pb.boolean_value
result = pb.boolean_value

elif value_type == "double_value":
result = value._pb.double_value
result = pb.double_value

elif value_type == "integer_value":
result = value._pb.integer_value
result = pb.integer_value

elif value_type == "string_value":
result = value._pb.string_value
result = pb.string_value

elif value_type == "blob_value":
result = value._pb.blob_value
result = pb.blob_value

elif value_type == "entity_value":
result = entity_from_protobuf(value._pb.entity_value)
result = entity_from_protobuf(pb.entity_value)

elif value_type == "array_value":
result = [
_get_value_from_value_pb(value) for value in value._pb.array_value.values
_get_value_from_value_pb(item_value) for item_value in pb.array_value.values

elif value_type == "geo_point_value":
result = GeoPoint(
value._pb.geo_point_value.latitude, value._pb.geo_point_value.longitude,
result = GeoPoint(pb.geo_point_value.latitude, pb.geo_point_value.longitude,)

elif value_type == "null_value":
result = None
Expand Down
4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions tests/unit/
Expand Up @@ -118,8 +118,6 @@ def test_put_entity_w_partial_key(self):
self.assertEqual(batch._partial_key_entities, [entity])

def test_put_entity_w_completed_key(self):
from import _property_tuples

project = "PROJECT"
properties = {"foo": "bar", "baz": "qux", "spam": [1, 2, 3], "frotz": []}
client = _Client(project)
Expand All @@ -134,7 +132,7 @@ def test_put_entity_w_completed_key(self):
mutated_entity = _mutated_pb(self, batch.mutations, "upsert")
self.assertEqual(mutated_entity.key, key._key)

prop_dict = dict(_property_tuples(mutated_entity))
prop_dict = dict(
self.assertEqual(len(prop_dict), 4)
Expand Down
7 changes: 2 additions & 5 deletions tests/unit/
Expand Up @@ -802,7 +802,6 @@ def test_put_multi_w_single_empty_entity(self):

def test_put_multi_no_batch_w_partial_key_w_retry_w_timeout(self):
from import datastore as datastore_pb2
from import _property_tuples

entity = _Entity(foo=u"bar")
key = entity.key = _Key(_Key.kind, None)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -838,15 +837,13 @@ def test_put_multi_no_batch_w_partial_key_w_retry_w_timeout(self):
mutated_entity = _mutated_pb(self, mutations, "insert")
self.assertEqual(mutated_entity.key, key.to_protobuf())

prop_list = list(_property_tuples(mutated_entity))
prop_list = list(
self.assertTrue(len(prop_list), 1)
name, value_pb = prop_list[0]
self.assertEqual(name, "foo")
self.assertEqual(value_pb.string_value, u"bar")

def test_put_multi_existing_batch_w_completed_key(self):
from import _property_tuples

creds = _make_credentials()
client = self._make_one(credentials=creds)
entity = _Entity(foo=u"bar")
Expand All @@ -859,7 +856,7 @@ def test_put_multi_existing_batch_w_completed_key(self):
mutated_entity = _mutated_pb(self, CURR_BATCH.mutations, "upsert")
self.assertEqual(mutated_entity.key, key.to_protobuf())

prop_list = list(_property_tuples(mutated_entity))
prop_list = list(
self.assertTrue(len(prop_list), 1)
name, value_pb = prop_list[0]
self.assertEqual(name, "foo")
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