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yoshi-automation authored and chingor13 committed Nov 18, 2019
1 parent ad9d7e0 commit 1589f08
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Showing 31 changed files with 1,133 additions and 864 deletions.
Expand Up @@ -54,8 +54,8 @@
* <code>
* try (TraceServiceClient traceServiceClient = TraceServiceClient.create()) {
* String projectId = "";
* Traces traces = Traces.newBuilder().build();
* traceServiceClient.patchTraces(projectId, traces);
* String traceId = "";
* Trace response = traceServiceClient.getTrace(projectId, traceId);
* }
* </code>
* </pre>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -165,85 +165,105 @@ public TraceServiceStub getStub() {

* Sends new traces to Stackdriver Trace or updates existing traces. If the ID of a trace that you
* send matches that of an existing trace, any fields in the existing trace and its spans are
* overwritten by the provided values, and any new fields provided are merged with the existing
* trace data. If the ID does not match, a new trace is created.
* Returns of a list of traces that match the specified filter conditions.
* <p>Sample code:
* <pre><code>
* try (TraceServiceClient traceServiceClient = TraceServiceClient.create()) {
* String projectId = "";
* Traces traces = Traces.newBuilder().build();
* traceServiceClient.patchTraces(projectId, traces);
* for (Trace element : traceServiceClient.listTraces(projectId).iterateAll()) {
* // doThingsWith(element);
* }
* }
* </code></pre>
* @param projectId ID of the Cloud project where the trace data is stored.
* @param traces The body of the message.
* @param projectId Required. ID of the Cloud project where the trace data is stored.
* @throws if the remote call fails
public final void patchTraces(String projectId, Traces traces) {

PatchTracesRequest request =
public final ListTracesPagedResponse listTraces(String projectId) {
ListTracesRequest request = ListTracesRequest.newBuilder().setProjectId(projectId).build();
return listTraces(request);

* Sends new traces to Stackdriver Trace or updates existing traces. If the ID of a trace that you
* send matches that of an existing trace, any fields in the existing trace and its spans are
* overwritten by the provided values, and any new fields provided are merged with the existing
* trace data. If the ID does not match, a new trace is created.
* Returns of a list of traces that match the specified filter conditions.
* <p>Sample code:
* <pre><code>
* try (TraceServiceClient traceServiceClient = TraceServiceClient.create()) {
* String projectId = "";
* Traces traces = Traces.newBuilder().build();
* PatchTracesRequest request = PatchTracesRequest.newBuilder()
* ListTracesRequest request = ListTracesRequest.newBuilder()
* .setProjectId(projectId)
* .setTraces(traces)
* .build();
* traceServiceClient.patchTraces(request);
* for (Trace element : traceServiceClient.listTraces(request).iterateAll()) {
* // doThingsWith(element);
* }
* }
* </code></pre>
* @param request The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.
* @throws if the remote call fails
public final void patchTraces(PatchTracesRequest request) {
public final ListTracesPagedResponse listTraces(ListTracesRequest request) {
return listTracesPagedCallable().call(request);

* Sends new traces to Stackdriver Trace or updates existing traces. If the ID of a trace that you
* send matches that of an existing trace, any fields in the existing trace and its spans are
* overwritten by the provided values, and any new fields provided are merged with the existing
* trace data. If the ID does not match, a new trace is created.
* Returns of a list of traces that match the specified filter conditions.
* <p>Sample code:
* <pre><code>
* try (TraceServiceClient traceServiceClient = TraceServiceClient.create()) {
* String projectId = "";
* Traces traces = Traces.newBuilder().build();
* PatchTracesRequest request = PatchTracesRequest.newBuilder()
* ListTracesRequest request = ListTracesRequest.newBuilder()
* .setProjectId(projectId)
* .setTraces(traces)
* .build();
* ApiFuture&lt;Void&gt; future = traceServiceClient.patchTracesCallable().futureCall(request);
* ApiFuture&lt;ListTracesPagedResponse&gt; future = traceServiceClient.listTracesPagedCallable().futureCall(request);
* // Do something
* future.get();
* for (Trace element : future.get().iterateAll()) {
* // doThingsWith(element);
* }
* }
* </code></pre>
public final UnaryCallable<PatchTracesRequest, Empty> patchTracesCallable() {
return stub.patchTracesCallable();
public final UnaryCallable<ListTracesRequest, ListTracesPagedResponse> listTracesPagedCallable() {
return stub.listTracesPagedCallable();

* Returns of a list of traces that match the specified filter conditions.
* <p>Sample code:
* <pre><code>
* try (TraceServiceClient traceServiceClient = TraceServiceClient.create()) {
* String projectId = "";
* ListTracesRequest request = ListTracesRequest.newBuilder()
* .setProjectId(projectId)
* .build();
* while (true) {
* ListTracesResponse response = traceServiceClient.listTracesCallable().call(request);
* for (Trace element : response.getTracesList()) {
* // doThingsWith(element);
* }
* String nextPageToken = response.getNextPageToken();
* if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(nextPageToken)) {
* request = request.toBuilder().setPageToken(nextPageToken).build();
* } else {
* break;
* }
* }
* }
* </code></pre>
public final UnaryCallable<ListTracesRequest, ListTracesResponse> listTracesCallable() {
return stub.listTracesCallable();

Expand All @@ -260,8 +280,8 @@ public final UnaryCallable<PatchTracesRequest, Empty> patchTracesCallable() {
* }
* </code></pre>
* @param projectId ID of the Cloud project where the trace data is stored.
* @param traceId ID of the trace to return.
* @param projectId Required. ID of the Cloud project where the trace data is stored.
* @param traceId Required. ID of the trace to return.
* @throws if the remote call fails
public final Trace getTrace(String projectId, String traceId) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -322,105 +342,85 @@ public final UnaryCallable<GetTraceRequest, Trace> getTraceCallable() {

* Returns of a list of traces that match the specified filter conditions.
* Sends new traces to Stackdriver Trace or updates existing traces. If the ID of a trace that you
* send matches that of an existing trace, any fields in the existing trace and its spans are
* overwritten by the provided values, and any new fields provided are merged with the existing
* trace data. If the ID does not match, a new trace is created.
* <p>Sample code:
* <pre><code>
* try (TraceServiceClient traceServiceClient = TraceServiceClient.create()) {
* String projectId = "";
* for (Trace element : traceServiceClient.listTraces(projectId).iterateAll()) {
* // doThingsWith(element);
* }
* Traces traces = Traces.newBuilder().build();
* traceServiceClient.patchTraces(projectId, traces);
* }
* </code></pre>
* @param projectId ID of the Cloud project where the trace data is stored.
* @param projectId Required. ID of the Cloud project where the trace data is stored.
* @param traces Required. The body of the message.
* @throws if the remote call fails
public final ListTracesPagedResponse listTraces(String projectId) {
ListTracesRequest request = ListTracesRequest.newBuilder().setProjectId(projectId).build();
return listTraces(request);
public final void patchTraces(String projectId, Traces traces) {

PatchTracesRequest request =

* Returns of a list of traces that match the specified filter conditions.
* Sends new traces to Stackdriver Trace or updates existing traces. If the ID of a trace that you
* send matches that of an existing trace, any fields in the existing trace and its spans are
* overwritten by the provided values, and any new fields provided are merged with the existing
* trace data. If the ID does not match, a new trace is created.
* <p>Sample code:
* <pre><code>
* try (TraceServiceClient traceServiceClient = TraceServiceClient.create()) {
* String projectId = "";
* ListTracesRequest request = ListTracesRequest.newBuilder()
* Traces traces = Traces.newBuilder().build();
* PatchTracesRequest request = PatchTracesRequest.newBuilder()
* .setProjectId(projectId)
* .setTraces(traces)
* .build();
* for (Trace element : traceServiceClient.listTraces(request).iterateAll()) {
* // doThingsWith(element);
* }
* traceServiceClient.patchTraces(request);
* }
* </code></pre>
* @param request The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.
* @throws if the remote call fails
public final ListTracesPagedResponse listTraces(ListTracesRequest request) {
return listTracesPagedCallable().call(request);
public final void patchTraces(PatchTracesRequest request) {

* Returns of a list of traces that match the specified filter conditions.
* Sends new traces to Stackdriver Trace or updates existing traces. If the ID of a trace that you
* send matches that of an existing trace, any fields in the existing trace and its spans are
* overwritten by the provided values, and any new fields provided are merged with the existing
* trace data. If the ID does not match, a new trace is created.
* <p>Sample code:
* <pre><code>
* try (TraceServiceClient traceServiceClient = TraceServiceClient.create()) {
* String projectId = "";
* ListTracesRequest request = ListTracesRequest.newBuilder()
* Traces traces = Traces.newBuilder().build();
* PatchTracesRequest request = PatchTracesRequest.newBuilder()
* .setProjectId(projectId)
* .setTraces(traces)
* .build();
* ApiFuture&lt;ListTracesPagedResponse&gt; future = traceServiceClient.listTracesPagedCallable().futureCall(request);
* ApiFuture&lt;Void&gt; future = traceServiceClient.patchTracesCallable().futureCall(request);
* // Do something
* for (Trace element : future.get().iterateAll()) {
* // doThingsWith(element);
* }
* }
* </code></pre>
public final UnaryCallable<ListTracesRequest, ListTracesPagedResponse> listTracesPagedCallable() {
return stub.listTracesPagedCallable();

* Returns of a list of traces that match the specified filter conditions.
* <p>Sample code:
* <pre><code>
* try (TraceServiceClient traceServiceClient = TraceServiceClient.create()) {
* String projectId = "";
* ListTracesRequest request = ListTracesRequest.newBuilder()
* .setProjectId(projectId)
* .build();
* while (true) {
* ListTracesResponse response = traceServiceClient.listTracesCallable().call(request);
* for (Trace element : response.getTracesList()) {
* // doThingsWith(element);
* }
* String nextPageToken = response.getNextPageToken();
* if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(nextPageToken)) {
* request = request.toBuilder().setPageToken(nextPageToken).build();
* } else {
* break;
* }
* }
* future.get();
* }
* </code></pre>
public final UnaryCallable<ListTracesRequest, ListTracesResponse> listTracesCallable() {
return stub.listTracesCallable();
public final UnaryCallable<PatchTracesRequest, Empty> patchTracesCallable() {
return stub.patchTracesCallable();

Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -54,13 +54,13 @@
* <p>The builder of this class is recursive, so contained classes are themselves builders. When
* build() is called, the tree of builders is called to create the complete settings object.
* <p>For example, to set the total timeout of patchTraces to 30 seconds:
* <p>For example, to set the total timeout of getTrace to 30 seconds:
* <pre>
* <code>
* TraceServiceSettings.Builder traceServiceSettingsBuilder =
* TraceServiceSettings.newBuilder();
* traceServiceSettingsBuilder.patchTracesSettings().getRetrySettings().toBuilder()
* traceServiceSettingsBuilder.getTraceSettings().getRetrySettings().toBuilder()
* .setTotalTimeout(Duration.ofSeconds(30));
* TraceServiceSettings traceServiceSettings =;
* </code>
Expand All @@ -69,20 +69,20 @@
@Generated("by gapic-generator")
public class TraceServiceSettings extends ClientSettings<TraceServiceSettings> {
/** Returns the object with the settings used for calls to patchTraces. */
public UnaryCallSettings<PatchTracesRequest, Empty> patchTracesSettings() {
return ((TraceServiceStubSettings) getStubSettings()).patchTracesSettings();
/** Returns the object with the settings used for calls to listTraces. */
public PagedCallSettings<ListTracesRequest, ListTracesResponse, ListTracesPagedResponse>
listTracesSettings() {
return ((TraceServiceStubSettings) getStubSettings()).listTracesSettings();

/** Returns the object with the settings used for calls to getTrace. */
public UnaryCallSettings<GetTraceRequest, Trace> getTraceSettings() {
return ((TraceServiceStubSettings) getStubSettings()).getTraceSettings();

/** Returns the object with the settings used for calls to listTraces. */
public PagedCallSettings<ListTracesRequest, ListTracesResponse, ListTracesPagedResponse>
listTracesSettings() {
return ((TraceServiceStubSettings) getStubSettings()).listTracesSettings();
/** Returns the object with the settings used for calls to patchTraces. */
public UnaryCallSettings<PatchTracesRequest, Empty> patchTracesSettings() {
return ((TraceServiceStubSettings) getStubSettings()).patchTracesSettings();

public static final TraceServiceSettings create(TraceServiceStubSettings stub)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -182,20 +182,20 @@ public Builder applyToAllUnaryMethods(
return this;

/** Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to patchTraces. */
public UnaryCallSettings.Builder<PatchTracesRequest, Empty> patchTracesSettings() {
return getStubSettingsBuilder().patchTracesSettings();
/** Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to listTraces. */
public PagedCallSettings.Builder<ListTracesRequest, ListTracesResponse, ListTracesPagedResponse>
listTracesSettings() {
return getStubSettingsBuilder().listTracesSettings();

/** Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to getTrace. */
public UnaryCallSettings.Builder<GetTraceRequest, Trace> getTraceSettings() {
return getStubSettingsBuilder().getTraceSettings();

/** Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to listTraces. */
public PagedCallSettings.Builder<ListTracesRequest, ListTracesResponse, ListTracesPagedResponse>
listTracesSettings() {
return getStubSettingsBuilder().listTracesSettings();
/** Returns the builder for the settings used for calls to patchTraces. */
public UnaryCallSettings.Builder<PatchTracesRequest, Empty> patchTracesSettings() {
return getStubSettingsBuilder().patchTracesSettings();

Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -32,8 +32,8 @@
* <code>
* try (TraceServiceClient traceServiceClient = TraceServiceClient.create()) {
* String projectId = "";
* Traces traces = Traces.newBuilder().build();
* traceServiceClient.patchTraces(projectId, traces);
* String traceId = "";
* Trace response = traceServiceClient.getTrace(projectId, traceId);
* }
* </code>
* </pre>
Expand Down

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