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tritone committed Dec 14, 2021
2 parents ee95a1f + 2c664a6 commit 85f7461
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Showing 438 changed files with 3,015 additions and 1,526 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .github/CODEOWNERS
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/firestore/ @enocom @dmahugh @tritone @crwilcox @googleapis/yoshi-go-admins
/pubsub/ @googleapis/api-pubsub @googleapis/yoshi-go-admins
/pubsublite/ @googleapis/api-pubsub @googleapis/yoshi-go-admins
/spanner/ @skuruppu @hengfengli @googleapis/yoshi-go-admins
/spanner/ @googleapis/api-spanner-go @googleapis/yoshi-go-admins
/storage/ @googleapis/cloud-storage-dpe @googleapis/yoshi-go-admins
/errorreporting/ @googleapis/api-logging @googleapis/yoshi-go-admins
/logging/ @googleapis/api-logging @googleapis/yoshi-go-admins
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .github/blunderbuss.yml
Expand Up @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ assign_issues_by:
- labels:
- 'api: spanner'
- hengfengli
- rahul2393
- labels:
- 'api: logging'
- 'api: clouderrorreporting'
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79 changes: 79 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -1,5 +1,84 @@
# Changes

## [0.99.0]( (2021-12-06)

### Features

* **dialogflow/cx:** added `TelephonyTransferCall` in response message ([fe27098](

## [0.98.0]( (2021-12-03)

### Features

* **aiplatform:** add enable_private_service_connect field to Endpoint feat: add id field to DeployedModel feat: add service_attachment field to PrivateEndpoints feat: add endpoint_id to CreateEndpointRequest and method signature to CreateEndpoint feat: add method signature to CreateFeatureStore, CreateEntityType, CreateFeature feat: add network and enable_private_service_connect to IndexEndpoint feat: add service_attachment to IndexPrivateEndpoints feat: add stratified_split field to training_pipeline InputDataConfig ([a2c0bef](
* **aiplatform:** add featurestore service to aiplatform v1 feat: add metadata service to aiplatform v1 ([30794e7](
* **aiplatform:** Adds support for `google.protobuf.Value` pipeline parameters in the `parameter_values` field ([88a1cdb](
* **aiplatform:** Tensorboard v1 protos release feat:Exposing a field for v1 CustomJob-Tensorboard integration. ([90e2868](
* **binaryauthorization:** add new admission rule types to Policy feat: update SignatureAlgorithm enum to match algorithm names in KMS feat: add SystemPolicyV1Beta1 service ([1f5aa78](
* **channel:** add resource type to ChannelPartnerLink ([c206948](
* **cloudtasks:** add C++ rules for Cloud Tasks ([90e2868](
* **compute:** Move compute.v1 from googleapis-discovery to googleapis ([#675]( ([1f5aa78](
* **compute:** Switch to string enums for compute ([#685]( ([c8271d4](
* **contactcenterinsights:** Add ability to update phrase matchers feat: Add issue model stats to time series feat: Add display name to issue model stats ([1f5aa78](
* **contactcenterinsights:** Add WriteDisposition to BigQuery Export API ([a2c0bef](
* **contactcenterinsights:** deprecate issue_matches docs: if conversation medium is unspecified, it will default to PHONE_CALL ([1a0720f](
* **contactcenterinsights:** new feature flag disable_issue_modeling docs: fixed formatting issues in the reference documentation ([c8271d4](
* **contactcenterinsights:** remove feature flag disable_issue_modeling ([c8271d4](
* **datacatalog:** Added BigQueryDateShardedSpec.latest_shard_resource field feat: Added SearchCatalogResult.display_name field feat: Added SearchCatalogResult.description field ([1f5aa78](
* **dataproc:** add Dataproc Serverless for Spark Batches API ([30794e7](
* **dataproc:** Add support for dataproc BatchController service ([8519b94](
* **dialogflow/cx:** added API for changelogs docs: clarified semantic of the streaming APIs ([587bba5](
* **dialogflow/cx:** added API for changelogs docs: clarified semantic of the streaming APIs ([587bba5](
* **dialogflow/cx:** added support for comparing between versions docs: clarified security settings API reference ([83b941c](
* **dialogflow/cx:** added support for Deployments with ListDeployments and GetDeployment apis feat: added support for DeployFlow api under Environments feat: added support for TestCasesConfig under Environment docs: added long running operation explanation for several apis fix!: marked resource name of security setting as not-required ([8c5c6cf](
* **dialogflow/cx:** allow setting custom CA for generic webhooks and release CompareVersions API docs: clarify DLP template reader usage ([90e2868](
* **dialogflow:** added support to configure security settings, language code and time zone on conversation profile ([1f5aa78](
* **dialogflow:** support document metadata filter in article suggestion and smart reply model in human agent assistant ([e33350c](
* **dlp:** added deidentify replacement dictionaries feat: added field for BigQuery inspect template inclusion lists feat: added field to support infotype versioning ([a2c0bef](
* **domains:** added library for Cloud Domains v1 API. Also added methods for the transfer-in flow docs: improved API comments ([8519b94](
* **functions:** Secret Manager integration fields 'secret_environment_variables' and 'secret_volumes' added feat: CMEK integration fields 'kms_key_name' and 'docker_repository' added ([1f5aa78](
* **kms:** add OAEP+SHA1 to the list of supported algorithms ([8c5c6cf](
* **kms:** add RPC retry information for MacSign, MacVerify, and GenerateRandomBytes Committer: [@bdhess]( ([1a0720f](
* **kms:** add support for Raw PKCS[#1]( signing keys ([58bea89](
* **monitoring/apiv3:** add CreateServiceTimeSeries RPC ([9e41088](
* **monitoring/dashboard:** Added support for auto-close configurations ([90e2868](
* **monitoring/metricsscope:** promote apiv1 to GA ([#5135]( ([33c0f63](
* **osconfig:** OSConfig: add OS policy assignment rpcs ([83b941c](
* **osconfig:** Update OSConfig API ([e33350c](
* **osconfig:** Update osconfig v1 and v1alpha RecurringSchedule.Frequency with DAILY frequency ([59e548a](
* **recaptchaenterprise:** add reCAPTCHA Enterprise account defender API methods ([88a1cdb](
* **redis:** [Cloud Memorystore for Redis] Support Multiple Read Replicas when creating Instance ([1f5aa78](
* **redis:** [Cloud Memorystore for Redis] Support Multiple Read Replicas when creating Instance ([1f5aa78](
* **security/privateca:** add IAMPolicy & Locations mix-in support ([1a0720f](
* **securitycenter:** Added a new API method UpdateExternalSystem, which enables updating a finding w/ external system metadata. External systems are a child resource under finding, and are housed on the finding itself, and can also be filtered on in Notifications, the ListFindings and GroupFindings API ([c8271d4](
* **securitycenter:** Added mute related APIs, proto messages and fields ([3e7185c](
* **securitycenter:** Added resource type and display_name field to the FindingResult, and supported them in the filter for ListFindings and GroupFindings. Also added display_name to the resource which is surfaced in NotificationMessage ([1f5aa78](
* **securitycenter:** Added vulnerability field to the finding feat: Added type field to the resource which is surfaced in NotificationMessage ([090cc3a](
* **servicecontrol:** add C++ rules for many Cloud services ([c8271d4](
* **speech:** add result_end_time to SpeechRecognitionResult ([a2c0bef](
* **speech:** added alternative_language_codes to RecognitionConfig feat: WEBM_OPUS codec feat: SpeechAdaptation configuration feat: word confidence feat: spoken punctuation and spoken emojis feat: hint boost in SpeechContext ([a2c0bef](
* **texttospeech:** update v1 proto ([90e2868](
* **workflows/executions:** add a stack_trace field to the Error messages specifying where the error occured feat: add call_log_level field to Execution messages doc: clarify requirement to escape strings within JSON arguments ([1f5aa78](

### Bug Fixes

* **accesscontextmanager:** nodejs package name access-context-manager ([30794e7](
* **aiplatform:** Remove invalid resource annotations ([587bba5](
* **compute/metadata:** return an error when all retries have failed ([#5063]( ([c792a0d](, refs [#5062](
* **compute:** make parent_id fields required compute move and insert methods ([#686]( ([c8271d4](
* **compute:** Move compute_small protos under its own directory ([#681]( ([3e7185c](
* **internal/gapicgen:** fix a compute filtering ([#5111]( ([77aa19d](
* **internal/godocfx:** only put TOC status on mod if all pkgs have same status ([#4974]( ([309b59e](
* **internal/godocfx:** replace * with HTML code ([#5049]( ([a8f7c06](
* **monitoring/apiv3:** Reintroduce deprecated field/enum for backward compatibility docs: Use absolute link targets in comments ([45fd259](
* **profiler:** workaround certificate expiration issue in integration tests ([#4955]( ([de9e465](
* **security/privateca:** include mixin protos as input for mixin rpcs ([479c2f9](
* **security/privateca:** repair service config to enable mixins ([83b941c](
* **video/transcoder:** update nodejs package name to video-transcoder ([30794e7](

## [0.97.0]( (2021-09-29)

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion accessapproval/apiv1/doc.go

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions accessapproval/go.mod
Expand Up @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ go 1.16

require ( v2.1.1 v0.60.0 v0.0.0-20211118181313-81c1377c94b1 v0.61.0 v0.0.0-20211207154714-918901c715cf v1.40.0 v1.27.1

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