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GNUstep Objective-C Runtime 1.8.1

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@davidchisnall davidchisnall released this 07 Aug 11:34
· 4 commits to 1.8.1 since this release

This a bugfix release for the ninth official release of the GNUstep Objective-C
runtime (a.k.a. libobjc2). This runtime was designed to support the features
of modern dialects of Objective-C for use with GNUstep and other Objective-C
programs. Highlights of this release include:

  • Better build system detection of LLVM not being present
  • Fix for a bug causing corruption of runtime state when hidden classes are

You may obtain the code for this release from git and use the 1.8 branch:

Alternatively, a tarball is available from:

The runtime library is responsible for implementing the core features of the
object model, as well as exposing introspection features to the user. The
GNUstep runtime implements Apple's Objective-C Runtime APIs, and a small number
of GCC APIs for legacy compatibility.

This library is based on the Étoilé Objective-C Runtime, an earlier research
prototype, and includes support for non-fragile instance variables,
type-dependent dispatch, and object planes. It is fully backwards compatible
with the FSF's GCC 4.2.1 Objective-C ABI and also implements a new ABI that is
supported by Clang and Étoilé's LanguageKit and is required for some of the
newer features.

If you come across any problems, please file them in the issue tracker: