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Forge-based Minecraft Server and Installer

Featuring a Windows installer! The set-up program is created with the Nullsoft Scriptable Install System (NSIS).


If you need Forge, the installer incudes it as an optional component.


This is the completed installation.


When the Forge client is started, each of the mods should be displayed.


You can also use the mod list to confirm they are all there.


The list of mods is as follows:

  • BiblioCraft
  • Carpenter'sBlocks
  • Chisel
  • CodeChickenCore
  • CoFHCore
  • iChunUtil
  • Mantle
  • Morph
  • NotEnoughItems
  • SecretRoomsMod
  • TConstruct
  • ThermalExpansion
  • ThermalFoundation


We began our server without Tinker Construct, so when we applied the mods we noticed there was no Aluminum or Copper. Once we set B:RetroactiveOreGeneration=true in config/cofh/core/common.cfg, copper and other ores "retro-gen'ed but we still did not see any aluminum. So we had to take an additional step; see the wiki.