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Bifrost (/ˈbɪvrɒst/) is a tool for the evaulation and optimisation of DNN accelerators. The Bifrost interface bridges Apache TVM (a deep learning compiler) with STONNE (a simulator for DNN accelerators). Bifrost let's you run DNN models on simulated reconfigurable DNN accelerators.

Quickstart Guide

To get started with Bifrost you need to build it from source. We also provide a Dockerfile which builds, installs, and runs the tests for all the ops available in Bifrost.

Build from source

Clone the STONNE, and TVM repositories:

git clone
git clone
git clone

Keeping these three in the same folder will be useful. Before you can run make you need to export three environment variables:

export TVM_ROOT    = path_to_tvm/tvm
export STONNE_ROOT = path_to_stonne/stonne
export MRNA_ROOT = path_to_mrna/mRNA

N.B You need build Apache TVM from source and install it for Python. You can find instructions here. Keep the following in mind before installing:

  • Please checkout commmit 68b7e7147fff8960754e4a3a788fd2474749d121 to ensure that you're using a version of TVM compatible with Bifrost.
  • You need to enable LLVM (set USE_LLVM in config.cmake).
  • Link LLVM statically and hide private symbols to prevent memory issues when using PyTorch (see apache/tvm#9362 for more information).

After TVM is built and install you need to build the Bifrost API.

Cd into bifrost/api

cd bifrost/api

Compile the Bifrost C++ API:


Navigate back to python setup:

cd .../bifrost/bifrost

You can now install it by running

python install 

You can now use Bifrost.

Alternatively, if you are going to make modifications to Bifrost then export it to PYTHONPATH to tell python where to find the library. This way your changes will immeditaly be reflected and there is no need to call again.

export BIFROST=/path/to/level-4-project/bifrost/


A Dockerfile is also available. It builds, installs, and runs the tests for all the ops available in Bifrost.

You can run it by:

cd bifrost/bifrost/tests
docker build .

How to use

Bifrost extends TVM to support STONNE as an external library. Most of the workflow is identical to the usual TVM workflow, but with extra fucntionality defined to configure a simulated accelerator and dataflow mapping. To get started, simply import tvm and bifrost.

import tvm
import bifrost

Importing TVM and Bifrost in this order is essential. Bifrost overrides the LLVM operators and adds new external ones which calls the STONNE library. When importing bifrost a new directory called bifrost_temp is created in your current working directory. This directory stores the temporary files generated by Bifrost when running, the cycle output in cycles.json, and the detailed STONNE infromation if architecture.print_stats is enabled. This directory can be deleted after use (and you've made sure to get the data you need).

Running a DNN model

When runnning a DNN model using Bifrost supported layers are automatically off-loaded to the simulated DNN accelerator and unsupported ones are executed on the TVM LLVM runtime backend. Currently, Bifrost supports NCHW conv2d and fully-connected (dense) layers. There is also support for NHWC conv2d layers, but the output is still unreliable at best. The simplest way to execute a DNN model is to use the built-in runners in Bifrost. Currently, PyTorch and ONNX models are supported.

 # Import the runner
from import run_torch, run_onnx

# Get model and input
from alexnet import torch_model, input

# Run using Bifrost on STONNE. 
# If no architecture has been specified the default one will be used
output = run_torch(torch_model, input)

You can also run models from all deep learning libraries which are supported by TVM. Models from deep learning libraries other than PyTorch and ONNX can be used compiling them using TVM. The TVM documentation contains gudies for PyTorch, Tensorflow, ONNX, MXNet, etc models, just replace the target string with target = "llvm -libs=stone". The following example shows how to run a PyTorch model without using the Bifrost runner:

# Import tvm and bifrost
import tvm
import bifrost

# Get model and input
from alexnet import torch_model, input

# Trace torch model and load into tvm
trace = torch.jit.trace(torch_model, input).eval()
mod, params = relay.frontend.from_pytorch(trace, [("trace", input.shape)])

# Use STONNE as an external library
target = "llvm -libs=stonne"

# Run the model
lib =, target=target, params=params)
ctx = tvm.context(target, 0)
module = runtime.GraphModule(lib["default"](ctx))
module.set_input("trace", input)
output =

Configuring the simulated architecture

The general structure of a simulated DNN accelerator comprises of a spatial array of processing elements (PEs). Each PE contains a multiply-accumulate unit (MAC). The PEs receive their inputs and weights from the distribution network and write outputs back to the buffer using the reduction network: STONNE structure

Setting Description Options
controller_type The simulated architecture such as MAERI, SIGMA, and the TPU "MAERI_DENSE_WORKLOAD", "SIGMA_SPARSE_GEMM", or "TPU_OS_DENSE"
ms_network_type Defines the mulitplier type. Flexible architectures use LINEAR while rigid ones like the TPU must use OS_MESH "LINEAR","OS_MESH"
ms_size The number of multipliers (PEs) in the architecture, used if ms_network_type is LINEAR (not OS_MESH.) Power of two and >= 8
ms_row If ms_network_type is OS_MESH the PEs are organised into rows and columns, Power of two and >= 8
ms_col If ms_network_type is OS_MESH the PEs are organised into rows and columns, Power of two and >= 8
reduce_network_type The type of reduction network "ASNETWORK","FENETWORK","TEMPORALRN"
dn_bw Number of read ports (distribution network) Power of two and >= 8
rn_bw Number of write ports (reduction network) Power of two and >= 8
sparsity_ratio The sparsity of the architecture [0,10]
accumulation_buffer_enabled Accumulation buffer, required to be enabled for rigid architectures like the TPU True or False

To use the TPU the following settings are required:

Setting Selected Option
controller_type TPU_OS_DENSE
ms_network_type OS_MESH
ms_row Integer which is a power two and >= 8
ms_col Integer which is a power two and >= 8
accumulation_buffer_enabled True

The simulated architecture is configured through the architecture module:

# Import the architecture module 
from bifrost.stonne.simulator import architecture

# Configure the simulated architecture
architecture.ms_size = 128
architecture.rn_bw = 64
architecture.dn_bw = 64
architecture.controller_type = "SIGMA_SPARSE_GEMM"
architecture.sparsity_ratio = 0

# Create the config file which is used by STONNE

If the architecture is not configured the following configuration is used:

Option Default
ms_size 16
reduce_network_type ASNETWORK
ms_network_type LINEAR
dn_bw 8
rn_bw 8
controller_type MAERI_DENSE_WORKLOAD
accumulation_buffer_enabled True

By default STONNE will not create any output files during execution. This setting can be enabled by setting architecture.print_stats = True

Configure dataflow mapping

The energy efficiency and performance of DNN accelerator is determined by its dataflow. The computation is divided up by grouping neurons into \emph{tiles} which defines how a group of neurons' inputs, weights, and intermediate outputs (psums) are delivered and reused within the accelerator. This pattern is the dataflow in the accelerator. A mapping is a specific instance of a dataflow. In a reconfigurable accelerator, a workload can be scheduled and staged in many different ways depending on the mapping for that specific workload. MAERI and SIGMA are both reconfigurable accelerators. The SIGMA memory controller automatically generates a mapping based on the sparsity level, but when using the MAERI architecture this mapping must be manually provided (efficient mappings can be generated with the the help of AutoTVM).

The parameters which determine the a mapping in MAERI depend on the workload being executed. For convolutions the following parameters are used:

Tile Description
T_R Number of filter rows mapped at a time
T_S Number of filter columns mapped at a time
T_C Number of filter and input channels per group mapped at a time
T_K Number of filters and output channels per group mapped at a time
T_G Number of groups mapped at a time
T_N Number of inputs mapped at a time (Only 1 is supported so far by STONNE)
T_X_ Number of output rows mapped at a time
T_Y_ Number of input columns mapped a time

For fully connected layers:

Tile Description
T_M Number of output neurons mapped at a time
T_N Number of batches mapped at a time
T_K Number of input neurons mapped at a time

When executing a DNN model on MAERI with a specific mapping you simply provide the mapping in the same order as the layers in the model are executed. The following example demonstrates how the mappings for the layers in Alexnet are provided, a CNN model with five conv layers followed by three fully connected layers. If no mapping is provided, a basic one will be generated with all parameters set to 1 (this will be very inefficient).

# Mappings can be provided as txt files
# Alexnet has five conv layers, these mappings will be applied in order
conv_mappings = [
 "",                          # Empty string, basic mapping will be used

# Mappings can also be provided as python dictionaries
fc_mappings = [
 {"T_S":12, "T_K":8, "T_N":1},
 {},  # Empty dictionary, basic mapping will be used
 {"T_S":8, "T_K":10, "T_N":1},

# The load_mapping from the architecture module is used
# to configure the mapping
  conv = conv_mappings,
  fc = fc_mappings,


mRNA is a mapping space exploration tool for MAERI. Bifrot has integrated support for mRNA in the convolutional and fully connected layesr when using MAERI. By enabling the following flag mappings will be provided by mRNA:

from bifrost.stonne.simulator import architecture
architecture.use_mrna = True


When tuning the mapping or the hardware for a DNN, we first need to set

from bifrost.stonne.simulator import architecture
# Set the tuning to true
architecture.tune = True

# I you want to tune using partial 
# sums instead of cycles:
architecture.tune_psums = True

The next step is choosing what paramaters you want to tune:

The settings column corresponds to the boolean value you need to set to true to include that parameter in the optimisation space. If the settings can be a range of values, the variable is used to set the search space:

Setting Variable Valid options for variable
tune_convolutions_tile conv_range List of integers
tune_fc_tile fc_range List of integers
tune_accumulation_buffer N/A N/A
tune_sparsity_ratio sparsity_ratio_range List of integers
tune_ms_size ms_size_range List of integers
tune_rn_bw rn_bw_range List of integers
tune_dn_bw dn_bw_range List of integers

You need to access the tuning module to create the tuning space:

from bifrost.stonne.simulator import architecture
# Enable tuning
architecture.tune = True

# Tune ms_size
architecture.tuner.tune_ms_size = True
# Set the options for the tuning space
architecture.tuner.ms_size_range = [128,256,2048]

# Tune sparsity
architecture.tuner.tune_sparsity_ratio = True
# Set the options for the tuning space
architecture.tuner.sparsity_ratio_range = [0,20,40,60,80,100]

Here is a full example of tuning the dataflow for AlexNet:

from bifrost.stonne.simulator import config_simulator, architecture

# Set the architecture
architecture.ms_size = 128
architecture.controller_type = "MAERI_DENSE_WORKLOAD"

# Enable tuning
architecture.tune = True

# Set tuning to be based on partial sums instead of cycles
architecture.tuner.tune_psums = True

# Tune mapping for both convolutions and fully connected layers
architecture.tuner.tune_convolutions_tile = True
architecture.tuner.tune_fc_tile = True

# Set the range to test
architecture.tuner.conv_num = 20
architecture.tuner.fc_num = 20

# For AutoTVM to work, a __name__ == "__main__" block is required. When tuning, 
# each unique combination of parameters represents a point in the tuning space.
# For each point, a new TVM instance is launched. All settings which you want
# to be constant across all instances have to be set outside of this block.
if __name__ == "__main__":
  # Standard imports
  import tvm
  import bifrost 

  from bifrost.tuner.stonne_builder import StonneLocalBuilder, StonneLocalRunner
  from tvm.autotvm.tuner import XGBTuner, GATuner, RandomTuner, GridSearchTuner
  from alexnet import alex_model as torch_model
  from alexnet import input_batch

  trace = torch.jit.trace(torch_model, input_batch).eval()
  mod, params = relay.frontend.from_pytorch(trace, [("trace", input_batch.shape)])

  target = "llvm --libs=stonne"
  # The output from the tuning process is placed in a separate file.
  # It is recommended to use bifrost_temp to make sure that all files arwe kept in the
  # same place.
  log_file = "bifrost_temp/alexnet.log"
  # Set the tuning options
  tuning_options = {
        "log_filename": log_file,
        "tuner": "xgb",
        "early_stopping": None,
        "measure_option": autotvm.measure_option(

  tasks = autotvm.task.extract_from_program(
  for i, task in enumerate(tasks):
    prefix = "[Task %2d/%2d] " % (i + 1, len(tasks))
    # Create the tuner
    tuner_obj = XGBTuner(task, loss_type="rank")

    # do tuning
    n_trial = len(task.config_space)/10

         autotvm.callback.progress_bar(100, prefix=prefix),


Python 3.8


Bifrost includes a test suite to ensure the correctness of the supported operations. This will run all implemented layers (conv2d and dense) on STONNE and compare the output against the TVM LLVM implementation for correctness. The MAERI, SIGMA, and TPU architectures will be tested. You can run the tests using the following commands:

cd bifrost/bifrost
python test

or run the Dockerfile:

cd bifrost/bifrost/tests
docker build .


Bifrost includes a number of tests and benchmarks. These are the benchmarks which are used in the evaluation section of the paper. These benchmarks can be found in the benchmarks directory. Please make sure TVM and Bifrost have been installed before running any of these.


The AlexNet benchmarks is divided up into several files. The file will tune the mapping space for the conv and fc layer for the MAERI architecture. Please cd into the benchmarks/alexnet folder tu run this. The tuning log will be placed in the benchmarks/alexnet/evaluation folder. The log be parsed using the file to find the efficient mappings produced by Bifrost's AutoTVM module.

The is used to execute both the MAERI and SIGMA evaluations from the dissertation, instructions on how to use can be found at mthe top of the file.

In the benchmarks/alexnet/evaluation directory all the AlexNet figures from the dissertation can be found. These can be prdouced by running the file.

The benchmarks/alexnet/tiles contains mapping files for AlexNet. The basic mapping sets all tiles to 1, the opt mappings are the mapping produced by Bifrost, the performance mappings are the mappings produced by mRNA, and the stonne_paper mappings are the mapping from the STONNE paper to execute AlexNet.

Conv2d MAPPING example.

This benchmark is used to demonstrate the importance of proper dataflow orchestration for reconfigurable architectures. The explores the whole mapping space [1-20]for a small convolution using ms_size in the range [8,16,32,64,128]. The output log is placed in the benchmarks/conv2d/evaluation directory, This log can be parsed using which will also produce the figures used in the dissertation.

Other benchmrks

The resnet and vgg evaluations should work, but they have not been documented properly and are very slow.

Example scripts

Bifrost ships with a number of example scripts which show typical use cases for Bifrost and are used to orient users on how to perfrom some basic actions. These assume TVM knowledge. The following table explains these files in detail:

File Name Description
example_conv2d Demonstrates how to execute a NCHW convolution and compares output to LLVM.
example_dense Demonstrates how to execute a dense operator (fully connected) and compares output to LLVM.
example_conv2d_nhwc Demonstrates how to execute a NHWC convolution and compares output to LLVM. It also shows how NHWC convolutions currently do not work properly.
example_tensorflow Demonstrates how to a deep learning framework like TensorFlow.
example_conv2d_opt Demonstrates how to tune a small network. This examples tunes the ms_size range on cycles.

Advanced Instructions

Bifrost Deep Dive

The following diagram shows an overview of Bifrost. Bifrost diagram

Bifrost TOPI Strategies

These can found be under bifrost/bifrost/stonne/ops/. Currently conv2d and dense (fully connected) operators are fully implemented, these operators are exposed through in the same directory. Both operators are implemented in the same fashion. First the Relay strategies are redefined:

def conv2d_strategy_cpu(attrs, inputs, out_type, target):
# Dense strategies are redefined in the same fashion as above

which means that when Bifrost is imported the TVM llvm strategies are overriden. In the new strategies, new implementation are added when "stonne" is included in target.libs:

# Example from
if "stonne" in target.libs:
    if layout == "NCHW":
        assert kernel_layout == "OIHW"

Each implementation includes a scheduling function and a compute function. STONNE does not include support for us to schedule the offloaded operators and as such dummy schedule functions are used instead:

# Example from
# Create a dummy schedule which does nothing
def schedule_conv2d_stonne_nchw(cfg, outs):
    """Create schedule for conv2d_nhwc"""
    cfg.add_flop(1) # Add a flop estimator as AutoTVM breaks othnerwise (even if the flop is never used)
    return te.create_schedule([x.op for x in outs])

The compute function is where the the execution of the operator is offloaded to STONNE. First the layer infromation is parsed and the output dimenions are calculated depending on the operator. It is in the compute function where tuning knobs are implemented. A tuning knob is a tuple with a parameter and a list of options which the AutoTVM module uses to define the tuning space. An example of a tuning knob is ("T_X", [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]) where T_X is MAERI dataflow tile and the list is a number of options. These knobs are fetched from the tuner module:

# Define tuning space
if architecture.tune:
    # Get and register the tuning knobs
    knobs = architecture.tuner.create_knobs(conv = True)
    for knob in knobs:
    # Config architecture and set dataflow mapping using the knobs (parameters)
    # selected by AutoTVM. 
    architecture.config(cfg, conv = True)

Finally, the compute function returns an external tensor function which calls the corresponding function from the STONNE-Bifrost API:

return te.extern(
    (N,K,X_, Y_), # Output dimensions calculated above
    [data,kernel], # The "ins" data 
    lambda ins, outs: tvm.tir.call_packed(
        # The name of the corresponding function in the STONNE-Bifrost API
        # Parameters such as layer information, architecture configuration, and mapping
        architecture.path, # [0]
        ..., # Leave out options  for brevity
        ins[0],            # [24] # Data
        ins[1],            # [25] # Weight (kernel)
        outs[0],           # [26] # Output (array of floats) 
    name = "s",
    dtype = out_dtype


The STONNE-Bifrost API is a collection of functions written in C++ which bridges TVM with STONNE. The compiled binary is included in the bifrost/bifrost/stonne/stonne_lib". When importing Bifrost the load_lib function from bifrost/bifrost/stonne/" is called. This function loads the .so binary using ctypes and exposes the fucntions defined in the API to TVM.


For each new operator in the Bifrost TOPI strategies, a corresponding function is defined in the STONNE-Bifrost API. Each function is registered to TVM's global function registry using type erased functions:

    .set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue *ret) {
        std::string path_to_arch_file = args[0];
        DLTensor *input = args[24];
        DLTensor *weight = args[25];
        DLTensor *output = args[26];

All functions follow the same general pattern, first the function is registered as above. Then the simulated architecture on STONNE is intialised:

//Creating config  to find out if we are going to
// run a dense or sparse simulation
Config stonne_config;
if (path_to_arch_file != "")
// Set output files
stonne_config.print_stats_enabled = stats;

Depending on the simulated architecture, the input (data) and weight float arrays are modified for execution on STONNE. For example NCHW conv2d on MAERI requires a conversion to NHWC and additional padding, while for the SIGMA architecture im2col is applied to the input array as the convolution is executed as a matrix multiplication. Finally the workload is executed on STONNE using a fucntion from the STONNE API:

cost = simulateDenseConvForward(layer_name,...,stonne_config); # Get the cycle cost

STONNE has been forked specifically for Bifrost and can be found here: The forked version of STONNE includes an extended API for STONNE. Finally, the cost (cycles) is recorded to bifrost_temp/cycles.json. If the user is tuning, the cost (either cycles or psums) is also recorded to bifrost/bifrost/stonne/data/costs.json.

Modifying the C++ code in the STONNE-Bifrost API.

All of the C++ files can be found under:

|    |__src
|    |   |__include
|    |   |     |__cost.h
|    |   |
|    |   |__conv_forward.cpp
|    |   |__cost.cpp
|    |   |__json.cpp
|    |   |__etc...
|    |__Makefile

Any new .cpp files will be automatically found by the Makefile as long as they are created within the /src folder. Before you compile the code you need STONNE and TVM as enviroment variables (see next section) You can the compile your new code with the following commands:

cd bifrost
make -j

Simulator configurator

This module can be found in bifrost/bifrost/stonne/ The simulated architecture is contained in a class called Simulator:

class Simulator(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self._ms_size:int= 16
        ... # Variables for all other architecture parameters

Each architecture variable has a corresponding getter and setter. The setter function validates the user input and makes sure that the user is not able to create invalid configurations:

def ms_size(self):
    return self._ms_size

def ms_size(self, size: int):
    # Use bit manipulation magic to check if power of two
    # Size also has to be >=8
    if (size & (size-1) == 0) and size != 0 and size>=8:
        self._ms_size = size
        raise ConfigError("ms_size has to be a power of two!")

STONNE requires .cfg files as input to configure the simulated accelerator. The architecture contains a fucntion to generate config files which are created in the bifrost_temp/architecture directory:

def create_config_file(self):
    This will create a config file for STONNE

    # Create a file
    with open(self.path, "w+") as f:

Mapping configurator

The mapping configurator just takes mappings parameters and produces files. STONNE is able to validate these mappings without the need for external checks.

AutoTVM Module

The AutoTVM module consists of several modules:

bifrost/bifrost/tuner/ Tuning using AutoTVM uses local RPC devices. The stonne_builder overrides these to upload the STONNE-Bifrost API .so file. It also overwrites the cost function/

bifrost/bifrost/tuner/ This is where the tunable parameters are defined.


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