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A memoization extension syntax for ocaml.

It allows you to simply declare memoized functions as in the following example :

let time f x =
  let t0 = Unix.gettimeofday() in
  let res = f x in
  let t1 = Unix.gettimeofday() in
  Format.printf "Execution time: %fs\n" (t1 -. t0);

(* Classic recursive definition of fibonacci function *)
let rec fibo1 = function
  | 0 | 1 -> 1
  | x -> fibo1 (x-1) + fibo1 (x-2)

(* fibonacci function using memoization *)
let%memo fibo2 = function
  | 0 | 1 -> 1
  | x -> fibo2 (x-1) + fibo2 (x-2)

let _ =
  Format.printf "%i\n%!" (time fibo1 50);
  Format.printf "%i\n%!" (time fibo2 50)

which outputs :

Execution time: 435.556459s
Execution time: 0.000031s

How it's done?

As one can expect, calling (fibo2 50) will register every intermediate call of (fibo2) thus allowing good performances. This can't be done by using a naive memoization utilitie as :

let memoizator f =
  let tbl = Hashtbl.create 1000 in
  fun x ->  try Hashtbl.find tbl x
            with Not_found ->
              let res = f x in
              Hashtbl.add tbl x res;

The trick here is to redefine a fixpoint combinator¹ and to handle the memoization inside it :

(* classic Y combinator *)
let rec fix f x = f (fix f) x

(* Y + memoization *)
let memofix f =
  let tbl = Hashtbl.create 1000 in
  let rec loop x =
    try Hashtbl.find tbl x
    with Not_found ->
      let res = f loop x in
      Hashtbl.add tbl x res;
  in loop

Here we can rewrite our fibo function to make it use one of those combinator:

let with_fp fibo = function
  | 0 | 1 -> 1
  | x -> fibo (x-1) + fibo(x-2)

let _ =
   Format.printf "%i\n%!" ((fix with_fp) 50); (* !!! VERY SLOW !!! *)
   Format.printf "%i\n%!" ((memofix with_fp) 50)

Of course, no one wants to write functions that way, this why this syntax extension is needed. It allows you to simply replace the let rec in your code by let%memo to have memoized functions.

[1] : Note that the classical definiton of a recursive function using let rec name = body can be seen as sugar (in fact, it's not the case) for :

let rec fix f x = f (fix f) x

(*equivalent to let rec name = body*)
let name =
  let recursor name = body in
  fix recursor

Here, we're doing quite the same thing using a memoizing fixpoint combinator :)

How to test?

Dependencies :
  • ocamlbuild
  • oasis
build :
make test


This is the first time i try to write a ppx extension. Dont rely on this code, it's just a proof of concept.


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