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Create a reactive, client-side rendered UI for configuring and viewing stock price reports. As part of this you will need to:

  • Complete the backend skeleton code to perform CRUD operation on the reports in the database
    • You will need to implement the endpoints. As a guide, there are #TODO: comments in the code to help you.
    • It is up you what you want the schema of the return objects to be. You can use the example below as a guide, or choose our own to implement.
  • Create UIs for these CRUD operations
  • Create UI for report data
  • Create at least one additional report (tabular or visual) that shows aggregate information (ex: average open price by ticker over entire report period)


You will have ~ 48 hours to build the app and submit via github.


Create a new repo using this template repo and add @gregg-shippy @mohnish7 @vimeh as collaborators. Feel free to reach out via email if you have any questions. Please also respond to our email with a link to your github repo, once you are ready to submit.

Grading Criteria

  • completeness of endpoints' (CRUD)
  • completeness of frontend flows (CRUD)
  • accuracy of report(s)
  • bonus: plus any additional work done that is outside of the scope of completing this assignment, for example:
    • api design
    • ui/ux considerations
    • additional report(s)


System environment

  • install dependencies
    • poetry
    • node v16.0.0
    • npm

Frontend environment

cd frontend
npm install
npm start

The frontend should now be running on port 3000.

Backend environment

cd backend/backend
poetry install
poetry shell
uvicorn main:app --reload

The backend should now be running on port 8000. You can go to http://localhost:8000/docs to see the API documentation.

Example of expected behavior of the backend

# put report by id
curl -X 'PUT' \
  'http://localhost:8000/reports/1' \
  -H 'accept: */*' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "date_end": "2022-08-30",
  "date_start": "2022-08-01",
  "name": "this is a test",
  "tickers": [
    {"ticker": "AAPL", "metric": "open"},
    {"ticker": "MSFT", "metric": "close"}

# get report and data
curl -X 'GET' \
  'http://localhost:8000/reports/1/data' \
  -H 'accept: application/json'

The schema GET /report/{id}/data is a suggestion. You can structure it however you want to. For example,

  "2022-08-01": {
    "AAPL": {"value": 160.521, "metric" : "open"},
    "MSFT": {"value": 276.453, "metric" : "close"}
  "2022-08-02": {
    "AAPL": {"value": 159.613, "metric" : "open"},
    "MSFT": {"value": 274.641, "metric" : "close"}

is equally valid as

   "ticker": "AAPL",
   "date": "2022-08-01",
   "value": 160.521,
   "metric": "open"

   "ticker": "MSFT",
   "date": "2022-08-01",
   "value": 276.453,
   "metric": "close"
    "ticker": "AAPL",
    "date": "2022-08-02",
    "value": 159.613,
    "metric": "open"
    "ticker": "MSFT",
    "date": "2022-08-02",
    "value": 274.641,
    "metric": "close"

It's really up to you based on how you want to implement the frontend. For the backend, please update the pydantic schema accordingly.


Here’s the stack we use internally, and the repo will have most of the infrastructure already in place for you, but you should feel free to choose and use whatever similar tools you feel comfortable with for getting the job done: