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GraphQL Query Builder

This package for your client application that communicates with a GraphQL server. You can write gql flovored syntax for graphql query without having to depend on graphql package. Thus it helps you to reduce the bundle size


This package is not a graphql client, so you have to handle data fetching. It only generates a graphql query for your input. You can use fetch or axios to send the query to your server


To install the package you have to have .npmrc file in your project root that contains the following line:


Then install:

npm install --save @getanwar/graphql-query-builder


yarn add @getanwar/graphql-query-builder


import { buildQuery } from "@getanwar/graphql-query-builder";

const body = buildQuery`users {
    id name email
// Output 
body = {
    query: `query {
        users {
            id name email
const response = await fetch('/graphql', {
    method: "POST",
    body: JSON.stringify(body)

The above example is for the most simple graphql query. But you can use this package to create the most complex graphql query/mutation.

import { buildQuery } from "@getanwar/graphql-query-builder";

const input = { id: 1 };
const filter = {
    status: { value: "PUBLISHED", type: "TodoEnum!" }
const body = buildQuery`user(${input}) {
    todos(${filter}) {
        id title
// Output 
body = {
    query: `query my_query($0_id: Int, $1_status: TodoEnum!) {
        user(id: $0_id) {
            todos(status: $1_status) {
                id title
    variables: { "0_id": 1,  "1_status": "PUBLISHED" }
const response = await fetch('/graphql', {
    method: "POST",
    body: JSON.stringify(body)


To write graphql query using this package all you need to understand is the syntax. I will go through it here

Tagged Template

buildQuery is a tagged templates function that is exported by this package. You can call this function same way as you would call any tagged template function (eg: buildQuery``).

Query Arguments

When you need to pass arguments to your query, wrap them into a plain JS object and insert into the template literal. The package will generate variables, create necessary graphql query strings using the variables, and inject them into appropriate place in the final query string. In the result you will receive an object that you can send to your server using any http client.

const body = buildQuery`YOUR_QUERY_STRING`;
const result = await fetch('/graphql', {
    method: "POST",
    body: JSON.stringify(body)

Function Returns

The function returns an object of the following properties

type TQuildQuery = {
    query: string,
    variables: { [key: string]: any }
  • query contains a generated query/mutation string for the graphql server
  • variables contains all the variables needed for the query/mutation


The variables are generated from your input object. You don't need to worry about the number prefixes to the variables, it is added by the package so that it can generate unique variable keys for all your inputs.

Input Type

By default the type is inferred from the value of your input if it is a primitive value. You can provide a suitable type for your value. Rather than assigning the value directly to the property, you can assigned an object with the signature { value: "VALUE", type: "TYPE" }

const filter = {
    title: { value: "Task", type: "String!" },
    status: { value: "PUBLISHED", type: "TodoEnum!" },
const body = buildQuery`query todos(${filter}) {
    id title

Legacy Version - 0.1.0

The API and syntax for legacy version is totally different from current major version (1.0.0). The package won't remove the support for the legacy version, but documentation may not be updated