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George edited this page Jun 4, 2018 · 6 revisions

Monolith is a front-end framework offering a flexible starting point for new web projects. It includes base styling for most common html tags, including button, form, link, and typography elements. Also including is a flex-based grid and several helper classes.

In addition to styling, Monolith also includes interactive components. Currently there are two: a modal and accordion component. They are easy to use and rely only on a script call and the correct markup structure. More components are planned!

Monolith's CSS and JavaScript will work in recent versions of these browsers:

  • Chrome ✓
  • Firefox ✓
  • Safari ✓
  • Microsoft Edge ✓

With support for Internet Explorer 11 as well.

The framework has four core tenets:

  • Configuration: The framework comes with a configuration file that you can update with your intended brand attributes, including colors, typography, grid, forms, and more.
  • Semantics: HTML that is logical and written with accessibility in mind.
  • Modularity: The struggle with frameworks is they are usually dependent on being your core stylesheet. Monolith is specifically designed to be scoped and controlled as an alternative, to existing projects.
  • Agility: Because all that's needed is an understanding of semantic HTML and customizing SCSS in the beginning, you will quickly get to building without worrying about tons of custom styling/javascript.

Want to contribute? Go checkout the project on Github!

Cheers! – George T.

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