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Getting Started

George Treviranus edited this page Aug 17, 2018 · 3 revisions

Undernet is a set of configurable components, so the most effective way to use it is to integrate it with your asset pipeline. Undernet can easily sit inside its own folder for you to customize when needed, then you can link to its compiled css and js via your global layouts.

  1. Basic Setup
  2. Advanced


Stable Build

Prerelease Build

Basic Setup

Link the compiled CSS and JS in your layout, and enable JS components.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>I'm using Undernet!</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/undernet.min.css">
    <!-- Add new styles after -->
    <script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/undernet.bundle.min.js" async></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
      // Undernet is now on the `window` object.
      // or only start a single component

Note: Undernet's JS does not run simply from importing or requiring the file. You specifically need to call its start() method or on one of its individual components as shown above.


If you choose to use the undernet node module, things are easier in some places but harder in others. Overall, it's a lot more flexible, though. Especially for React! 🎉


This is the trickiest part. First, you need to import function helpers, the original config, and mixin helpers into your new config file. From there, apply all overrides to the original config before its import statement.

What variables are in the original config? Check that out here.

@import "~undernet/scss/helpers/functions/base";
// config overrides here!
@import "~undernet/scss/config";
@import "~undernet/scss/helpers/mixins/base";

In separate stylesheets, if you need access to these variables and they aren't available, just @import this new config file.

Finally, you can include the rest of the elements styling, but make sure it's all only included once!

@import "path/to/newConfig";
// elements
@import "~undernet/scss/elements/global/base";
@import "~undernet/scss/helpers/classes/base";
@import "~undernet/scss/elements/grid/base";
@import "~undernet/scss/elements/typography/base";
@import "~undernet/scss/elements/link/base";
@import "~undernet/scss/elements/button/base";
@import "~undernet/scss/elements/form/base";
// components
@import "~undernet/scss/components/modal";
@import "~undernet/scss/components/accordions";


The default export from undernet or the compiled undernet.js file is the Undernet object. Simply refer to it when using the library. Simply swap undernet for the direct file path if you aren't using webpack.

// get Undernet from /node_modules/
import Undernet from "undernet"
// then start all javascript components on page load
var start = Undernet.start()
// ... or run a specific component
var start = Undernet.Modals.start()
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', start)


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/undernet.js" async></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" async>
      // Undernet is attached to the `window` object now.
      var start = Undernet.start()
      // or run a specific component
      var start = Undernet.Modals.start()
      document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', start)

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