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GeoServer 2.23.5

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@aaime aaime released this 21 Feb 11:49
· 610 commits to main since this release

Release notes


GEOS-10933 keycloak logout NPE

GEOS-11174 GWC rest api returns erroneous truncated response when gzip http encoding is enabled

GEOS-11205 Layer page: style image fails if it is in isolated workspace

GEOS-11250 WFS GeoJSON encoder fails with an exception if an infinity number is used in the geometry

GEOS-11255 Multiple inserts in WPS with different idGen strategies does not work

GEOS-11256 Cannot retrieve LegendGraphic from a PostGIS datastore with 'hideEmptyRules' and 'Support on the fly geometry simplification' enabled

GEOS-11278 metadata: only selected tab is submitted

GEOS-11285 GWC REST Content-Encoding gzip returns broken response

GEOS-11290 With Oauth enabled, anon users get random auth requests

GEOS-11291 GeoFence: Cleanup stale log4j references


GEOS-11213 Improve REST external upload method unzipping

GEOS-11246 Schemaless plugin performance for WFS

GEOS-11260 JNDI tutorial uses outdated syntax

GEOS-11276 Use style_body to define CSS style for a layer

GEOS-11288 Improve input validation in ClasspathPublisher

New Feature

GEOS-11225 [AuthKey] AuthKey synchronize the user/group automatically

GEOS-11279 metadata: allow same field on multiple tabs