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SeqMeta Pipeline


The pipeline consists mainly of R scripts with a few supporting Bash scripts. All R scripts are "executables" and can be used with --help to show command options.

It depends on the following R packages:

  • seqMeta - for performing the actual group tests
  • rbgen - for reading bgen files
  • optparse - for parsing command line arguments
  • DBI - for database access (package should come with standard R)
  • RMySQL - for accessing MySQL databases (must be installed only if you plan to use this DB)
  • RSQLite - for accessing SQLite3 databases (should be installed already; must be installed only if you plan to use this DB)

Analysis Workflow

Workflow Figure

The buildJobs.R script can drive this process for multiple phenotypes and group files by producing a shell script that is ready to be used with job schedulers.

Group Test Script

The groupTest.R script is the most important script of the pipeline. It reads and merges phenotypes and genotypes, taking care of missingness, performs association tests and collects the results. In one pass, both single-variant and group-based tests are performed.

Usage: ./groupTest.R [options]

                Chromosome number (for patterns)

                BGEN/BGI file name, %CHR% will be substituted by 'chr'

                Group file name

                Phenotype file name

                Column name of phenotype

                Phenotype type ('binary'/'quantitative'), default: quantitative

                Column names of covariates (separate by comma)

                Output file for single variant analysis (%CHR% and %PHENO% substituted)

                Output file for group-based tests (%CHR% and %PHENO% substituted)

                Method for 'skatOMeta' function' ('integration'/'saddlepoint'). If lowest p-value in T1 or SKAT test < 1E-9, change this to 'saddlepoint'

                Lower minor allele frequency (MAF) treshhold, e.g. 0.01. Default 0, range [0,1].

                Upper minor allele frequency (MAF) treshhold, e.g. 0.01. Default 1, range [0,1].

                Kinship table path (requires columns 'ID1', 'ID2' and 'Kinship'); default '' = don't use matrix

                Step-wise group test ('add-one-in'); give gene name to calculate

                P value threshold for single variants to be included in step-wise group test; default: 0.1

                Use add-one-in mode (0) or leave-one-out mode (1); default: 0

                Exports genotype and phenotype matrix for given gene(s).

        -h, --help
                Show this help message and exit

Collect and Plot results script

The collectAndPlotResults.R script combines the output of the chromosome-wise results of the groupTest.R script. It collects all results per gene, calculates the "lambda" factor for each of the three tests, produces a QQ plot PDF with one page per test and writes XLSX (Excel) and TSV (tab-separated values) top result files. These files contain all the results that satisfy a given condition (such as burden_p < 0.05).

Fields of the result file (can be used in the filtering condition):

  • gene - Ensembl Gene ID
  • skat_p, skat_Qmeta, skat_cmaf, skat_nmiss, skat_nsnps - results of the SKAT test
  • burden_p, burden_beta, burden_se, burden_cmafTotal, burden_cmafUsed, burden_nsnpsTotal, burden_nsnpsUsed, burden_nmiss - results of the Burden test
  • skat_o_p, skat_o_pmin, skat_o_rho, skat_o_cmaf, skat_o_nmiss, skat_o_nsnps, skat_o_errflag - results of the SKAT-O test
  • Gene_Symbol - Gene symbol
  • Gene_Start_b38 - Build 38 start coordinate of the gene
  • Gene_Chr - chromosome of the gene

For details of the Burden, SKAT, SKAT-O fields see here:

The script needs a gene mapping file mapping Ensembl Gene IDs to symbols, chromosome number and build 38 positions. Scripts are provided to build such a mapping file using the Biomart.

Usage: R/collectAndPlotResults.R [options]

                Files containing group-based test results (needs to have %CHR% if files are split by chromosome)

                Path/filename of PDF output file for QQ plot

                Path/filename of TSV output file for top results

                Path/filename of XLSX output file for top results

                Formula to filter results, default: 'burden_p < 0.05'

                File with ENSG mappings

        -h, --help
                Show this help message and exit

Plot Gene script

The plotGene.R script produces a plot of a given gene that shows the single variants in the gene by effect size and association p-value. It also plots the "exonic" regions.

It can be used to plot multiple genes by

  • enumerating these genes on the command line, or by
  • giving a top results file along with a condition on this file to select genes to plot.

The script needs to have a SQLite3 database of exon positions. We provide a script to build such a database using the Ensembl Biomart.

Gene Plot Figure

Usage: R/plotGene.R [options]

                Plot title (Phenotype, group file)

                Gene(s) to plot (may use symbol or Ensembl ID); may give multiple genes separated by comma

                Gene(s) to plot; to be loaded from 'top results' file

                Filtering formula for 'top results' file

                Path/filename of single variant association results (may use %CHR%)

                File with ENSG mappings

                SQLite3 exon DB, file path; required if no MySQL db given

                MySQL exon DB, database name; required if no SQLite3 DB given

                MySQL exon DB, user name; required if no SQLite3 DB given

                MySQL exon DB, password; required if no SQLite3 DB given

                MySQL exon DB, server host; required if no SQLite3 DB given

                Path/filename of PDF output file. May use %SYMBOL%

        -h, --help
                Show this help message and exit

The "sv" (single variant) file must have at least the following columns:

  • gene - Ensembl Gene ID
  • Name - variant name (chr:pos:ref:alt), is split to get chr/pos/ref/alt columns
  • p - P-value
  • beta - Effect size
  • se - Standard error


gene    Name    p       maf     caf     nmiss   ntotal  beta    se      beta.scores     se.scores
ENSG00000096746 10:68337966:T:TG        0.110198283000258       5.09837401075741e-06    5.09837401075741e-06    0       389313  0.739648871041446       0.463061222626501       0.739648871041446       0.463061222626501

Build Jobs script

The buildJobs.R script can be used to build a job file for Slurm or other scheduling systems. This is the best entry point to use the whole pipeline. The script or its output may need adjustments if you don't use Slurm but other schedulers.

It manages order and dependencies of the individual job steps and provides sensible parameters to the individual scripts. The script is controlled by a "parameters" file in key-value format.

Parameter Name Description Example
PHENOTYPE_FILE phenotype file (tab-separated) phenotype.txt
PHENOTYPES names of the phenotypes (columns) to examine egfr_ckdepi_creat,ckd
PHENOTYPE_TYPES phenotype types (Q=quantitative, B=binary); one per phenotype Q,B
INDIVIDUAL_ID_COLUMN individual ID column name individual_id
COVARIATES covariates to use for all phenotypes age_crea_serum,sex_male,U1,U2
COVARIATE_egfr_ckdepi_creat covariates to use only for specific phenotypes U3
GROUPS group identifiers (shortcut) rareDmg,syn
GROUP_PATH_rareDmg path to group file ...../GROUP/03_rareDamaging/group_file.txt
GROUP_PATH_syn .../GROUP/02_synonymous/group_file.txt
FILTER_FORMULA criteria for selecting top results (xlsx) burden_p < 0.01
PLOT_FORMULA criteria for selecting genes to plot burden_nsnpsTotal > 5 & burden_p < 1e-3
BGEN_PATH genotype path, use %CHR% ..../ukb_wes_efe-chr%CHR%.bgen
GROUP_TEST_SCRIPT_PATH group test script path (relative or absolute) ../PIPELINE/R/groupTest.R
COLLECT_SCRIPT_PATH collect and plot script path (relative or absolute) ../PIPELINE/R/collectAndPlotResults.R
PLOT_SCRIPT_PATH plot gene script path (relative or absolute) ../PIPELINE/R/plotGene.R
MART_MAPPING_FILE MART mapping file (with Ensembl Gene IDs and Gene symbols) .../PIPELINE/biomart/mart_export_genes.txt
EXON_DB_FILE Exon SQLite database ..../PIPELINE/biomart/ensembl_exons.sqlite
OUTPUT_DIRECTORY output directory, may be relative or absolute path, must not end with / output
LOG_DIRECTORY log directory, may be relative or absolute path, must not end with / logs
SBATCH_ADDITIONAL_PARAMS optional parameters to pass to 'sbatch' --exclude=imbi6
MYSQL_EXON_DB MySQL exon DB, DB name wuttke
MYSQL_EXON_USER MySQL exon DB, user name wuttke
MYSQL_EXON_PASSWORD MySQL exon DB, password .....
MYSQL_EXON_HOST MySQL exon DB, host name biom131
Usage: R/buildJobs.R [options]

                Parameters input file path

                Jobs output file path

        -h, --help
                Show this help message and exit

The resulting jobs shell file is organized using Bash functions to group related jobs. You can comment the invocations of these functions at the file end. This helps to re-run only certain parts of the pipeline, e.g. if only plotting parameters have been changed.

BioMart helper files

Two helper files are required for annotation and plotting.

Genes Mapping File

Use the script biomart/

This script uses the BioMart web service:

This is the query:

<Query  virtualSchemaName = "default" formatter = "TSV" header = "1" uniqueRows = "1" count = "" datasetConfigVersion = "0.6" >       
 <Dataset name = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl" interface = "default" >         
  <Attribute name = "ensembl_gene_id" />          
  <Attribute name = "external_gene_name" />    
  <Attribute name = "start_position" />            
  <Attribute name = "chromosome_name" />  

Exon position database

Use the script biomart/ to download the exons file from Biomart.


<Query  virtualSchemaName = "default" formatter = "TSV" header = "1" uniqueRows = "1" count = "" datasetConfigVersion = "0.6" >
 <Dataset name = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl" interface = "default" >
  <Attribute name = "ensembl_gene_id" />
  <Attribute name = "exon_chrom_start" />
  <Attribute name = "exon_chrom_end" />
  <Attribute name = "ensembl_exon_id" />
  <Attribute name = "rank" />

Then use biomart/ to process the downloaded text file and create a SQLite3 DB.

This DB uses the following schema:

  ensembl_gene_id varchar(30),
  exon_chrom_start int,
  exon_chrom_end int,
  ensembl_exon_id varchar(30),
  rank int

CREATE INDEX exon_gene_id on exons (ensembl_gene_id);

We are happy to share the resulting DB on request.

As SQLite is known to have issues with DB files stored on NFS shares, you can also use a MySQL database. Helpful scripts are provided in the biomart folder.