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Charity project for Cherkassy Drama Theatre

Theirs new outstanding website!

Repertoire of Cherkassy Ukrainian Music and Drama Theatre can satisfy the most demanding audience for theatre works in different genres.

Over the years the Theatre has performed over 450 different performances, including most of them (300) being a work of modern domestic and foreign drama, about 75 performances being based on the works by Ukrainian classics and over 50 performances - on the works by foreign classics.


Before installation be sure that you have Symfony2 installed and configured. If not, follow the instructions:

If you want to install the project, you have to follow next steps:

  1. Install dependencies:
composer install

This command requires you to have Composer installed globally, as explained in the installation chapter of the Composer documentation.

  1. Run and create mysql database:
docker run --name mysql --rm -p 3306:3306 -d -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=pass mysql:5.7
docker exec mysql mysql -u root -ppass -e "create database theatre_dev"
  1. Copy .env to .env.local and change it according to your env

  2. Import database

docker exec mysql mysql -u root -ppass theatre_dev < 2021-05-04.chetheatre_prod.dump.sql
  1. Run migrations
bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
  1. Run server
symfony server:run

Use SymfonyCLI for that Congratulation! You've done it successfully!

Bug tracking

CheTheatre uses GitHub issues. If you have found bug, please create an issue.


CheTheatre was originally created by Geekhub Project Team.