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PropertyBagEnricher and C# extension methods for Serilog.ILogger.


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Egonsoft.HU Serilog Logging Extensions

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PropertyBagEnricher and C# extension methods for Serilog.ILogger.

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The motivation behind this project is to add the source member name as a log event property.


SourceMember property

When you create a logger by calling Log.Logger.ForContext<T>() then the log events will contain a SourceContext property with the type name where the log event occurs.

This project helps you add a SourceMember property with the member name of the type where the log event occurs.

The SourceMember property name can be customized. See examples below.

PropertyBagEnricher : Serilog.Core.ILogEventEnricher

Each time you add a log event property (e.g. logger.ForContext("SomeProperty", 42)) a new logger instance will be created.

This enricher helps you reducing creating logger instances by adding multiple log event properties at once.

Exception.Data population

Exception.Data dictionary can contain additional user-defined information about the exception.

The log event properties the enricher contains can be populated into the Exception.Data dictionary using the Exception.Populate(PropertyBagEnricher) extension method. See example below.


You can download the package from

You can find the release notes here.

Breaking change

The project namespace has changed to avoid namespace collision with Serilog.
Please note: The package id will remain unchanged.

Version Namespace
>= 1.0.0 && < 2.0.0 EgonsoftHU.Extensions.Logging.Serilog
>= 2.0.0 EgonsoftHU.Extensions.Logging


ILogger.Here() - single use per method

using EgonsoftHU.Extensions.Logging;
using Serilog;

namespace SomeCompany.Services;

public class SomeService
    private readonly ILogger logger;

    // To inject a contextual logger using Autofac:
    public SomeService(ILogger logger)
        this.logger = logger;
        logger.Here().Verbose("SomeService has been created");

    public void DoSomething()
        logger.Here().Information("We are doing something here");

The log events and their properties will be:

{"SourceContext":"SomeCompany.Services.SomeService","SourceMember":".ctor","@l":"Verbose","@mt":"SomeService has been created","@t":"2022-05-08T12:34:56.1111111Z"}
{"SourceContext":"SomeCompany.Services.SomeService","SourceMember":"DoSomething","@l":"Information","@mt":"We are doing something here","@t":"2022-05-08T12:34:56.2222222Z"}

ILogger.Here() - multiple use per method

To reduce creating logger instances you can store the logger instance created by calling the Here() method.

using EgonsoftHU.Extensions.Logging;
using Serilog;

private void DoComplexThings()
    ILogger logger = this.logger.Here();

    // All the log events below will contain this log event property:
    // "SourceMember": "DoComplexThings"

    logger.Verbose("Preparing to do complex things");
    logger.Warning("Configuration not found, using default settings");
    logger.Verbose("Prepared to do complex things");
    logger.Information("Complex things done");


To further reduce creating logger instances you can use the PropertyBagEnricher to add multiple log event properties at once.

using EgonsoftHU.Extensions.Logging;
using Serilog;

private void CalculateRectangleArea(int a, int b)
                .Add("SideA", a)
                .Add("SideB", b)
        .Information("Rectangle area: {RectangleArea}", a * b);

You can also combine Here() with PropertyBagEnricher by using the CreateForSourceMember() factory method:

using EgonsoftHU.Extensions.Logging;
using Serilog;

private void CalculateRectangleArea(int a, int b)
                .CreateForSourceMember() // this will add the SourceMember property.
                .Add("SideA", a)
                .Add("SideB", b)
        .Information("Rectangle area: {RectangleArea}", a * b);

Of course, you can store the enricher in a variable if you want to add other properties later:

using EgonsoftHU.Extensions.Logging;
using Serilog;

private void CalculateRectangleArea(int a, int b)
    var enricher =
            .CreateForSourceMember() // this will add the SourceMember property.
            .Add("SideA", a)
            .Add("SideB", b);

    ILogger logger = this.logger.ForContext(enricher);

    logger.Information("Rectangle area: {RectangleArea}", a * b);
    enricher.Add("RectangleArea", a * b);
    // this log event will also contain the RectangleArea property.
    logger.Verbose("Rectangle area calculated");

You can also add multiple properties at once:

using EgonsoftHU.Extensions.Logging;

var propertiesFromOtherSource = new Dictionary<string, object?>()
    ["SideA"] = 5,
    ["SideB"] = 10

var enricher =

Determines whether an instance of a specified type c can be assigned to a variable of the current type.

Please note:

  • AddRange<TValue>() method expects a single parameter.
  • The parameter type is IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, TValue>>.
  • TValue generic type parameter has no generic constraint, hence both nullable and non-nullable types can be used as the type of the values. E.g.:
    • Dictionary<string, object>
    • Dictionary<string, object?>

Exception.Data - populate log event properties

Instead of manually providing the additional information:

var ex = new ArithmeticException("Cannot calculate area.");
ex.Data["SideA"] = a;
ex.Data["SideB"] = b;

throw ex;

you can use your existing PropertyBagEnricher instance:

using EgonsoftHU.Extensions.Logging;

var enricher =
        .Add("SideA", a)
        .Add("SideB", b);

// Exception.Data dictionary will contain all the properties above.
// The extension method returns the exception itself,
// hence you can use it directly in a `throw` statement or expression.
throw new ArithmeticException("Cannot calculate area.").Populate(enricher);

SourceMember property customization

As the contextual logger uses the SourceContext property name for the type, it seems to be logical to use the SourceMember property name for the member in that type.

Should you need to customize the log event property name for whatever reason, use the SourceMemberNamingConfiguration as below:

using EgonsoftHU.Extensions.Logging;
using Serilog;

namespace ConsoleApp;

class Program
    private static ILogger logger;

    public static void Main(string[] args)
        /* Log.Logger configuration omitted for clarity */

        logger = Log.Logger.ForContext<Program>();

        // The log event property will be { "SourceMember": "Main" }
        logger.Here().Information("First message");

        // The future calls to `Here()` extension method will use the new setting below
        SourceMemberNamingConfiguration.Current.PropertyName = "CallerMemberName";

        // The log event property will be { "CallerMemberName": "Main" }
        logger.Here().Information("Second message");

Please note: This setting is global within the application.