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Hello, I am GBrogio (Guilherme Brogio)

I am Brazilian. Experienced FullStack Web Developer, covering all stages of web development. Proficient in user interface design, testing, process debugging and web systems maintenance. Armed with a versatile and promising skill set. Adept at JavaScript and TypeScript, along with their ecosystems. Power your digital dreams: Looking for a talented web developer to transform concepts into seamless online experiences!

  • 🌱 I’m currently working in the DevStyle's Company, using Next.js, Node.js, etc.. 💼
  • 💬 I'm open to suggestions or questions from the full stack world. ❗❓
  • 📫 How to reach me: 📧 & my Discord: GBrogio#5159 🎮
  • ⚡ Fun fact: I am a big fan of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.). 🤖
  • 🗣️ Além de melhorar minha programação, procuro sempre melhorar meu inglês e espanhol.

My skills 🚀

HTML5 JavaScript Next.js CSS3 React Bootstrap Material UI TypeScript Figma Styled Components & Icons VS Code Git Vite Tailwind CSS Docker Node.js Bun Nest.js Prisma PostgreSQL Firebase Supabase

My Github Status 🦸

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