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This project is the third variation of the theme "creation of RNG generators based on nuclear decay", you can find the other two implementations here:

NuclearRNG Version 1
NuclearRNG Version 2

This version, differently from the previous two, does not use a Geiger–Müller tube nor a classic Geiger counter but an array of PIN diodes produced by Teviso company, named BG51:

BG51 Datasheet

Using that component, the implementation of the present appliance is greatly simplified, avoiding all the high voltage circuitry necessary to operate a Geiger tube. Furthermore, the small dimensions of the component permits to implement a very compact device.

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  • A Raspberry Pico (RP2040) is employed as microcontroller platform;
  • A BG51 radiation sensor;
  • Some circuitry to filter the power source and to convert the logic level of the sensor output.

Hardware Details:

  • As radiation source, a piece of ceramic coated with uranium oxide is employed. It comes from a salt / pepper dispenser I purchased set from the 50s, unfortunately one was damaged, the handle was broken and that peace is now temporarily the source of this appliance: alt text alt text

  • A lead metallic shield contains both a radiation source and the sensor, fixed with non-permanent glue. The shielding has two functions, prevent radiation to reach the external environment and prevent external interferences, both particles (particle injection attack ? :-) ) and electromagnetic. In fact the product, as stated in datasheets, requires some kind of shielding: alt text alt text alt text

  • A circuit to stabilize input voltage is required, I tested also with boards different from Pico having the same results: being the sensor sensible to rumor in the power supply, a filter is mandatory. Testing without filtering in power input, produced distortions in the output. I implemented a filter using the specifications in Teviso's manuals and all problems disappeared.

  • Datasheet tell us that at least 4V are required, so I opted for 5V and a small logic level converter to interface the sensor to Pico's 3V logic. This operation could be made with many different solution, I used my own. alt text alt text

Algorithm and Features:

  • In loop, a register with a representation od an unsigned integer is cyclically increased from 0 to its maximum value, when it reaches the maximum it restarts from zero. When a particle is detected, the current value is stored in queue ready to be deployed on request;
  • Default queue length is 10240 bytes.


  • When a socket connects to the appliance via WIFI, a message with the following format is given as response:

where '\n' is "newline" character

  • You require a RN sending the message:
  • Then you'll receive a RN in an answer with the following format:


  • the first field is a random number in the range 0-15 or the number 16 if an error was generated or no number is available yet;
  • the second field represent the original value of the register incremented in loop to extract the random number using module operator of integer division by the specific range (0-255, 8-bit integers), it's provided as safeguard to verify that the loop cover every possible value for a given event frequency;
  • the separator is the character ':';
  • then a field with an integer telling you how many RNs are available in the appliance buffer, ready to be requested;
  • a newline ( '\n' ) ends the message.
  • Example:
  • You can terminate the connection with the command:
  • At the moment, concurrent access is not supported (aka I don't need it for now), so, closing the connection also permits different client to connect;


  • Raspberry Pi Pico SDK
  • Cmake

Detailed instruction for dependencies installation are available on Raspberry website.


  • Before compiling, is required to edit wifi_credential.hpp inserting Wifi SSID and password.

Installation and Use:

  • compile the program as follow (set -DPICO_SDK_PATH using real pico-sdk path):
  cd build
  make -f makefile.srv all
  • deploy the generated binary file named:

putting the Pico in "deploy mode" pushing the white button before connecting USB cable and releasing the same button a second after the connection.

  • A trivial Python client example is present in "test" directory in the present software distribution.
  • The number can be requested from any program able to create Berkeley sockets using the described protocol.


Coming soon:

  • test and statistics