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#105: Add test data for nested subsegments #211

#105: Add test data for nested subsegments

#105: Add test data for nested subsegments #211

Workflow file for this run

name: Validate
# TODO concurrency - cancel existing run on same branch
- master
- master
# Minimum Python version supported by the library
# (bumped to the minimum version supported by github actions - see
# )
# Note that ubuntu 22.04 requires minimum 3.7.13, whereas windows on 3.7 requires max 3.7.9
# So we compromise on ubuntu 20.04 in order to meet the windows requirement.
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Set up Python ${{ env.MIN_PYTHON_VERSION }}
uses: actions/setup-python@v2
python-version: ${{ env.MIN_PYTHON_VERSION }}
- name: Update pip
run: |
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
- name: Install Poetry
uses: abatilo/actions-poetry@7044c9c69e0265717d52471f66033b8d0e2a69ff # v2.1.4
poetry-version: ${{ env.POETRY_VERSION }}
- name: Install Dependencies
run: |
poetry install -E stylecheck
- name: Check YAML Formatting
run: |
poetry run yamllint -c yamllint_config.yaml --strict .
- name: Check Python Formatting
run: |
# NB: Format before style check
poetry run black --check src tests
- name: General Python Style Checks (Flake8)
run: |
poetry run flake8 --benchmark
name: >
Test (
${{ matrix.extra-test-title }}
Py${{ matrix.python-version }}
${{ matrix.os-family }}
runs-on: ${{ format('{0}-latest', matrix.os-family) }}
# We use branch-dependent matrix inputs to reduce the amount of tests
# that are run on PR's (every relevant combination is run when pushed
# to `master`).
# The variants are produced inline as a (json) dictionary, indexed by
# whether we are on a protected branch. Some notes about this technique:
# - The only fields available for variant lookup are those on the
# `github` context (see
# - Specifically, we can't simplify our code here by generating the
# lookup table as an environment variable in the top-level of this
# file, because that is not available here.
# - It has to be a single line within this file, or else the GitHub
# YAML parser will wreck the JSON somehow.
# - We need to encode the entire YAML value as a quoted string so that
# we can use colon's inside it, which means internal double quotes
# within the JSON string have to be escaped.
os-family: "${{ fromJSON('{\"true\": [ \"ubuntu\", \"windows\", \"macos\" ], \"false\": [ \"ubuntu\" ]}')[github.ref_protected] }}" # yamllint disable-line rule:line-length
python-version: [ "3.7", "3.8", "3.9", "3.10", "3.11" ]
aws-xray-sdk-version: [ "<existing>" ]
aiohttp-version: [ "<existing>" ]
fastapi-version: [ "<existing>" ]
# Export test results from the primary configuration
- os-family: ubuntu
python-version: "3.11"
aws-xray-sdk-version: "<existing>"
aiohttp-version: "<existing>"
fastapi-version: "<existing>"
has-authoritative-test-results: true
# Always test each OS at least once on PR
- os-family: macos
python-version: "3.11"
aws-xray-sdk-version: "<existing>"
aiohttp-version: "<existing>"
fastapi-version: "<existing>"
- os-family: windows
python-version: "3.11"
aws-xray-sdk-version: "<existing>"
aiohttp-version: "<existing>"
fastapi-version: "<existing>"
# Extra test variations for older versions of the AWS X-Ray SDK
- extra-test-title: "X-Ray SDK v2.6: "
os-family: ubuntu
python-version: "3.10"
aws-xray-sdk-version: "2.6"
aiohttp-version: "<existing>"
fastapi-version: "<existing>"
- extra-test-title: "X-Ray SDK v2.7: "
os-family: ubuntu
python-version: "3.10"
aws-xray-sdk-version: "2.7"
aiohttp-version: "<existing>"
fastapi-version: "<existing>"
- extra-test-title: "X-Ray SDK v2.8: "
os-family: ubuntu
python-version: "3.10"
aws-xray-sdk-version: "2.8"
aiohttp-version: "<existing>"
fastapi-version: "<existing>"
- extra-test-title: "X-Ray SDK v2.9: "
os-family: ubuntu
python-version: "3.10"
aws-xray-sdk-version: "2.9"
aiohttp-version: "<existing>"
fastapi-version: "<existing>"
- extra-test-title: "X-Ray SDK v2.10: "
os-family: ubuntu
python-version: "3.11"
aws-xray-sdk-version: "2.10"
aiohttp-version: "<existing>"
fastapi-version: "<existing>"
- extra-test-title: "X-Ray SDK v2.11: "
os-family: ubuntu
python-version: "3.11"
aws-xray-sdk-version: "2.11"
aiohttp-version: "<existing>"
fastapi-version: "<existing>"
# Extra test variations for older versions of 3rd-party libraries we integrate with
- extra-test-title: "FastAPI v0.47: "
os-family: ubuntu
python-version: "3.10"
aws-xray-sdk-version: "<existing>"
aiohttp-version: "<existing>"
fastapi-version: "0.47.1"
- extra-test-title: "aiohttp v3.7.0: "
os-family: ubuntu
python-version: "3.7"
aws-xray-sdk-version: "2.6.0"
aiohttp-version: "3.7.0"
fastapi-version: "<existing>"
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
uses: actions/setup-python@v2
python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
- name: Update pip
run: |
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
- name: Install Poetry
uses: abatilo/actions-poetry@7044c9c69e0265717d52471f66033b8d0e2a69ff # v2.1.4
poetry-version: ${{ env.POETRY_VERSION }}
- name: Install Standard Dependencies
run: |
poetry install -E testing
- name: Override Dependencies For Backward Compatibility Testing (Unix-like)
if: matrix.os-family != 'windows'
run: |
if [ "${{ }}" != "<existing>" ]; then
poetry add aws_xray_sdk="${{ }}"
if [ "${{ matrix.fastapi-version }}" != "<existing>" ]; then
poetry add fastapi="${{ matrix.fastapi-version }}"
if [ "${{ matrix.aiohttp-version }}" != "<existing>" ]; then
poetry add aiohttp="${{ matrix.aiohttp-version }}"
- name: Override Dependencies For Backward Compatibility Testing (Windows)
if: matrix.os-family == 'windows'
run: |
if ("${{ }}" -ne "<existing>" ) {
poetry add aws_xray_sdk="${{ }}"
if ("${{ matrix.fastapi-version }}" -ne "<existing>" ) {
poetry add fastapi="${{ matrix.fastapi-version }}"
if ("${{ matrix.aiohttp-version }}" -ne "<existing>" ) {
poetry add aiohttp="${{ matrix.aiohttp-version }}"
- name: Test
# yamllint disable rule:line-length
run: |
poetry run pytest tests --cov=xraysink --cov-report= --junit-xml=test-results/junit/pytest.xml --disable-warnings
# yamllint enable rule:line-length
- name: Annotate Test Results
uses: EnricoMi/publish-unit-test-result-action@v1
if: ${{ always() && github.event_name == 'pull_request' && matrix.has-authoritative-test-results }} # yamllint disable-line rule:line-length
files: "test-results/**/*.xml"
check_name: "Combined Test Report"
comment_title: "Test Report"
# Report all failures for a given test, to include different results
# from matrix jobs and parametrised tests.
report_individual_runs: true
# Class name should be interpreted within the scope of the file. This ain't Java.
deduplicate_classes_by_file_name: true
# Make all links go to the final file, not the commit.
compare_to_earlier_commit: false
# Explicitly use the over-powerful default token
# TODO Pull this step out to use a follow-up job with a restricted token, mutter mutter
github_token: ${{ github.token }}
- name: Coverage comment
if: ${{ matrix.has-authoritative-test-results }}
id: coverage_comment
uses: ewjoachim/python-coverage-comment-action@v2
# TODO Pull this step out to use a follow-up job with a restricted token, mutter mutter
GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }}