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GraphQL API and database interface for Gardenbuilder


Made with Typescript, TypeORM, Postgres and GraphQL

Getting Started

Database Setup

You'll need to also set up a postgresql database. I would follow the directions here.

Alternatively, you could run postgresql locally using docker: docker run -e POSTGRES_USER=root -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=secret -e POSTGRES_DB=gardenbuilder -p library/postgres

Once you have postgresql set up, follow these steps:

  • while logged in as root, make a table with the same name as your desired username. If your username is coolUser, for example, name your table coolUser
  • make a main table and a test table
  • give your user privileges to those tables with GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE main TO coolUser; and GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE test TO coolUser;

Environment Variable Setup

Finally, you'll need to add the following into the .env file at the root of the project:


To Run

At project root, type npm run start:dev. This will start the API. You'll want to open up a second terminal at root and type npm run watch so that your code changes are compiled from typescript to javascript as you save them.

Then navigate to localhost:8000/graphql. You should see the graphiQL editor and be able to write queries like

query {
  gardens {

To Run Tests

Run npm test or npm run test. Tests also automatically run each time you try to make a git commit


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