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A modern and responsive component library built for froggy

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🪷 lilypad

A modern and responsive component library built for froggy 🐸.

How to install

Requires Node 18


npm i @froggy-app/lilypad


yarn add @froggy-app/lilypad


First time setup

Request to be added to the npm package.

Clone this repository and cd into it. Log in to npm using the following command.

npm login scope=@froggy-app


Before publishing, make sure to increment the version in package.json. Then, build the package and publish it to npm.

npm run build
npm publish

Using Storybook

Storybook is a great way to preview components. You can run storybook using the following command.

npm run storybook

To create a new story, create a new file using the naming convention: ComponentName.stories.tsx in the same directory as your component. Add the following storie template to get started:

import ComponentName from './ComponentName';
import {ComponentStory, ComponentMeta} from '@storybook/react';
import React from 'react';

export default {
  title: 'lilypad/ComponentName',
  component: ComponentName,
} as ComponentMeta<typeof ComponentName>;

const Template: ComponentStory<typeof ComponentName> = (args) => <ComponentName {...args} />;

export const ComponentNameDefault = Template.bind({});
ComponentNameDefault.args = {
  componentArg: 'lorem ipsum',

You can replace ComponentName with the name of your component.