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The app that shows you all water points, to drink everywhere and without any plastic waste!



  • npm run assets generates icons and splash screens (documentation)
  • npm run dev compiles CSS and JavaScript and watches for changes
  • npm run build compiles and minifies CSS and JavaScript
  • npm run sync builds CSS and JavaScript and updates the native Android and iOS projects with the changes that have been done in the Web project, it needs to run every time an update is made (documentation)
  • npm run open:android opens Android project in Android Studio
  • npm run open:ios opens iOS project in Xcode
  • npm run simulate:android launches the app in an Android Studio virtual device (documentation)
  • npm run simulate:ios launches the app in macOS Simulator (documentation)


Simply open src/index.html in your browser and start working!



  1. Update version code and version name in build.gradle
  2. npm run open:android
  3. Build tab > Generate Signed Bundle / APK...
  4. Android App Bundle
  5. Fill key store settings
  6. release
  7. Upload .aab file in the Google Play Console


  1. Update marketing version in project.pbxproj
  2. npm run open:ios
  3. Product tab > Destination > Any iOS Device (arm64)
  4. Product tab > Archive
  5. Distribute App


Made with Ionic Framework, Capacitor and MapLibre (using OpenStreetMap).

Source code provided under the CC-BY-SA-4.0 license.