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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jan 23, 2018. It is now read-only.


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####0. Ruby version and Gemset Name: Ruby version: ruby 2.3.0 Gemset Name: group8

####1. All Ruby packages that are used: 'will_paginate' for pagination 'paperclip' for easy file attachment management

####2. All other APIs or dependencies: No other APIs used

####3. Approximate number of hours your team spent learning Ruby: We spent approximately 5 hours to learn Ruby.

####4. Approximate number of hours your team spent implementing the MVP: We spent approximately 40 hours to implement the MVP

####5. The challenges your team faced working on this leg: a) make sure each member has the same development environment b) learn how to use the framework, figure out what route, model view, controller are c) learn how to integrate boostrap in d) implement the "pretty version" of the timeline based on incidents' severity and status e) implement the detailed feature of incidents report form e.g. how to show a text box when chose "other" in category

####6. Why you chose the Ruby web framework that your team used? Our group chose to use Ruby on Rails, because: a) It is open source, so it is free and easy to learn. b) It has a large pool of open source libraries to enhance our product. c) It makes collaboration easier and development quicker.

####7. Why you chose the database that your team used? Our group chose to use MySQL. MySQL has stated that they want to "work toward compliance with the SQL standard, but without sacrificing speed or reliability". We chose MySQL, because: a) it is faster than PostgreSQL b) ease to use c) its scalability, flexibility, high performance and high availability. d) although PostgreSQL is more densely featured, we don't need these advance features.