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Brief software description:

The CNDSM Project is a C++ implementation of codes for solving non-smooth
problems, and more in particular for solving the Flow and Knapsack Lagrangian
dual of the multi-commodity capacitated network design (FC-MMCF) problem. The
code consists of a (generic) subgradient-like method. The code is embedded
into a generic interface for non-differentiable optimization codes, organized
around two classes: NDOSolver for the solver and FiOracle for to the specific
problem. The classe SubGrad derives from NDOSolver, and two problems derive
form FiOracle: FlwFiOrcl and KnpsFiOrcl, respectively, the Flow and Knapsack
Lagrangian relaxation of FC-MMCF problem. The instance is read by means of the
service class Graph. To be able to compare Subgradient with some general
propose LP solver a CPLEX implementation of the LP relaxation of FC-MMCF
problem is provided in MMCFCplex.

A doxygen manual is available in docs/ and at

Software Installation:

Go in the corresponding Main (MainSg for Subgradient and MainCpx for CPLEX).
Edit the makefile to see if any detail about the compiler and switches need
be changed, then type "make". For CPLEX, edit extlib/makefile-libCPX to set
the path to the CPLEC files.

How to use the software:

If one is interested in launching the program, a parameter file has to be
prepared, or one might utilize the one provided in the MainXX directory. The
parameter file has to be in the same directory of the executable file. The
doxygen manualprovides a detailed description of the parameters. Note that
the order of  the parameters in the parameter file is crucial because in
Main.C the objects are created in a particular sequence. Note that you can
specify the verbosity of the log file, changing the corresponding parameter
as reported in the manual. There is, in fact, one or more parameters
responsible of the verbosity of the log file. In the Subgradient there are
two parameters relative to the verbosity, one for the solver and the other
one for the oracle. In addition to those, there are two extra parameters, one
for the Stepsize class and the other one for the Deflection class. Moreover,
one might switch off the generation of the log file by putting to 0 the
corresponding macro in the header file of each class.  

The small test instance p33.dat is provided, with others available at

To solve the instance p33:

- SubGrad project (subgradient method):

  Go to the folder MainSg. The main for the SubGrad Solver is here, type  

     ./SgSolver ../p33.dat s -511953.987525988

  The third parameter is a lower bound on the optimal value, which is
  required for the SubGradient algorithm to run. The optimal values for
  some of the instances above can be found in Instances.pdf, or computed
  with CPLEX (see below).

- MMCFCplex project (CPLEX solver):

  Go to the folder MainCpx. The main for the MMCFCplex Solver is here, type  

     ./CpxSolver ../p33.dat s

More details on the Subgradient approach and its parameters can be found at
The solver of Convex Quadratic (Continuous, Separable) Knapsack problems used
by the SubGrad algorithm is taken by the CQKnP Project

The solvers of Min-Cost Flow problems used to compute the Flow Relaxation are
taken by the MCFClass Project