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Roomate Finance WebApp to manage common expenses and track individual payments.

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Roomate Finance WebApp

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Roomate Finance WebApp to manage common expenses and track individual payments.

Application consists of a React JS front-end, with a Flask/Python back-end and a PostgreSQL DB

WebApp deployed using Heroku

React JS

This project's frontend was bootstrapped with Create React App, and makes use of react-bootstrap library for styling and stylized components

To run locally, use npm start or yarn start

To deploy front-end, use npm run build. Flask back-end will use files from build folder to access and display frontend.


Python backend using Flask. 3 main files:

  • --> init file with create_app() function. Initializes db object and maps to blueprint object in
  • --> file with all api routes and corresponding queries, inserts, updates to PostgreSQL DB
  • --> contains Expense and Payment object classes used to model DB objects and calls

Flask backend makes use of the following libraries:

  • flask
  • gunicorn --> for heroku deployment
  • sqlalchemy --> for DB modeling and access
  • flask-sqlalchemy --> for DB modeling and access
  • simplejson --> for Decimal json parsing
  • psycopg2 --> for PostgreSQL access

Installed locally using pipenv --> pip install pipenv Other libraries installed with command --> pipenv install <library-name>

To deploy:

  • Lock Pipfile --> pipenv lock
  • Install the last successful environment in lock file --> pipenv install --ignore-pipfile

PostgreSQL DB

Simple DB with 2 tables:

  • DB Name: roommate-finances
  • Tables:
    • expenses
    • payments

The expenses table records expenses for each month, including information like:

  • amount due
  • category
  • due date

The payments table records payments for each month, including information like:

  • roommate name
  • category
  • amount paid
  • payment date

The DB objects are modeled in the flask backend using SQLAlchemy. The models are in the file

Heroku Deployment

Deployed to Heroku with Personal/Hobby license.

Files used for deployment:

  • --> calls create_app() function from file
  • Procfile --> used for heroku, references app object in file
  • runtime.txt --> specifies Python runtime (python-3.8.5)

To deploy run following commands from master branch:

  • git add . --> add any local changes (if any)
  • git commit -m "message" --> commit local changes (if any)
  • git push or git push heroku master --> push changes. Git push will automatically trigger heroku build. Adding heroku master will display heroku build log on console