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v6.4.0 RC3

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@kball kball released this 09 Jun 23:11
· 2761 commits to develop since this release

To install with npm: npm install foundation-sites@6.4.0-rc3
To install with bower: bower install zurb/foundation-sites#v6.4.0-rc3

To try out with the ZURB template: git clone -b v6.4

Please do take things for a spin, especially the new XY grid and modular JS approach!

Feedback threads:

XY Grid: #10141
Modular JS / Webpack: #10140

Updates from RC2:

  1. Update XY grid margin & padding to be independently controllable along each axis. Instead of .margin-gutters and .padding-gutters you now will use .grid-margin-x, .grid-margin-y, .grid-padding-x, and .grid-padding-y. Props to @andycochran, @oxyc and @corysimmons for the feedback helping advance this idea and @brettsmason for the implementation. Check out the new approach in the docs:
  2. Fix some issues in the auto behavior in the XY Grid.
  3. Improved Javascript entry points... you can now simply import Foundation from 'foundation-sites'; to get all of Foundation (autoinitialized), or batch import sets of plugins from foundation-sites/js/entries/foundation-plugins. How to make these imports super smooth is an ongoing area of conversation, join the convo in the modular js/webpack feedback thread!
  4. Fix some issues in Dropdown Menu keyboard navigation in the new menus