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@kball kball released this 01 Jun 20:56
· 2818 commits to develop since this release

To install with npm: npm install foundation-sites@6.4.0-rc1
To install with bower: bower install zurb/foundation-sites#v6.4.0-rc1

To try out with the ZURB template: git clone -b v6.4

This release has some BIG changes, starting us on the road to Foundation 7 (more on that soon). Please read about at least the major changes below before using.

Major changes

  1. Foundation 6.4 now uses Flexbox by default. There is still a fallback to float-mode for those who absolutely must support legacy browsers, but Flexbox is our recommended approach.
  2. Foundation 6.4 has a BRAND NEW, super powerful default grid called the XY-grid. This is a brand new 2-dimensional grid, inspired by css-grid but built on Flexbox to be usable in all-browser production environments today. Get started here:
  3. Foundation 6.4 has shifted the Foundation JavaScript architecture to a new ES2016 module-based architecture powered by webpack. If you are using webpack or another module bundler, you can now import Foundation modules as you would other modular javascript. If you are not using a module bundler, we have packaged up drop-in compiled JS files in dist/js for backwards compatibility.

Other New Stuff

  1. Foundation 6 has always focused on supporting the entire lifecycle of a project from Prototype to Production, but the line between the two has sometimes been fuzzy. With Foundation 6.4, we're beginning to be much more explicit about parts of the framework that are intended for rapid prototyping but should not be part of your production project. As a part of that, 6.4 is shipping with a whole new slew of optional prototyping helpers and a "prototype mode" to speed up prototyping. Learn more here:
  2. Magellan's "smooth scroll" behavior has been separated out into it's own plugin, which you can use to create "smooth scroll" behavior for any links inside a page:


  1. Dropdowns and Tooltips now have super-powerful "explicit positioning" inspired by tether.js allowing you to position and align them exactly how you want.
  2. Menu styling has been reworked to be simpler and more flexible.

More... full list coming soon


Notes coming soon