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folke committed Mar 27, 2024
1 parent 2dae091 commit cf1d270
Showing 1 changed file with 70 additions and 55 deletions.
125 changes: 70 additions & 55 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ Install the plugin with your preferred package manager:
### [lazy.nvim](

return {
branch = "dev",
keys = {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -74,7 +74,9 @@ return {

### Setup

Trouble comes with the following defaults:
**Trouble** is highly configurable. Please refer to the default settings below.

<details><summary>Default Settings</summary>

<!-- config:start -->

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -245,24 +247,33 @@ local defaults = {

<!-- config:end -->


## 馃殌 Usage

### Commands

Trouble comes with the following commands:
The **Trouble** command is a wrapper around the **Trouble** API.

- `Trouble [mode] [action] [options]`

Some examples:

- `Trouble [mode]`: open the list
- `TroubleClose [mode]`: close the list
- `TroubleToggle [mode]`: toggle the list
- `TroubleRefresh`: manually refresh the active list
- Toggle diagnostics for the current buffer and stay in the current window:
- `Trouble diagnostics toggle focus=false filter.buf=0`
- Show document symbols on the right of the current window.
Keep the document symbols in sync with the buffer you started the command in.
- `Trouble symbols toggle pinned=true position=right`

Please refer to the API section for more information on the available actions and options.


<!-- modes:start -->

- **diagnostics**: diagnostics
- **diagnostics_buffer**: buffer diagnostics
- **fs**:
- **fs**:
- **loclist**: Location List
- **lsp**: LSP definitions, references, implementations, type definitions, and declarations
- **lsp_declarations**: declarations
Expand All @@ -284,6 +295,8 @@ Modes:

You can use the following functions in your keybindings:


<!-- api:start -->

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -347,7 +360,7 @@ require("trouble").first()
-- focus

-- Fold close
-- Fold close

-- fold close all
Expand All @@ -365,7 +378,7 @@ require("trouble").fold_enable()
-- fold more

-- Fold open
-- Fold open

-- fold open all
Expand All @@ -377,7 +390,7 @@ require("trouble").fold_open_recursive()
-- fold reduce

-- Fold toggle
-- Fold toggle

-- fold toggle enable
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -440,6 +453,8 @@ require("trouble").toggle_refresh()

<!-- api:end -->


### Telescope

You can easily open any search results in **Trouble**, by defining a custom action:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -468,49 +483,49 @@ The table below shows all the highlight groups defined for Trouble.

<!-- colors:start -->

| Highlight Group | Default Group | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| **TroubleCount** | ***TabLineSel*** | |
| **TroubleDirectory** | ***Directory*** | |
| **TroubleFileName** | ***Directory*** | |
| **TroubleIconArray** | ***@punctuation.bracket*** | |
| **TroubleIconBoolean** | ***@boolean*** | |
| **TroubleIconClass** | ***@type*** | |
| **TroubleIconConstant** | ***@constant*** | |
| **TroubleIconConstructor** | ***@constructor*** | |
| **TroubleIconDirectory** | ***Special*** | |
| **TroubleIconEnum** | ***@lsp.type.enum*** | |
| **TroubleIconEnumMember** | ***@lsp.type.enumMember*** | |
| **TroubleIconEvent** | ***Special*** | |
| **TroubleIconField** | ***@field*** | |
| **TroubleIconFile** | ***Normal*** | |
| **TroubleIconFunction** | ***@function*** | |
| **TroubleIconInterface** | ***@lsp.type.interface*** | |
| **TroubleIconKey** | ***@lsp.type.keyword*** | |
| **TroubleIconMethod** | ***@method*** | |
| **TroubleIconModule** | ***@namespace*** | |
| **TroubleIconNamespace** | ***@namespace*** | |
| **TroubleIconNull** | ***@constant.builtin*** | |
| **TroubleIconNumber** | ***@number*** | |
| **TroubleIconObject** | ***@constant*** | |
| **TroubleIconOperator** | ***@operator*** | |
| **TroubleIconPackage** | ***@namespace*** | |
| **TroubleIconProperty** | ***@property*** | |
| **TroubleIconString** | ***@string*** | |
| **TroubleIconStruct** | ***@lsp.type.struct*** | |
| **TroubleIconTypeParameter** | ***@lsp.type.typeParameter*** | |
| **TroubleIconVariable** | ***@variable*** | |
| **TroubleIndent** | ***LineNr*** | |
| **TroubleIndentFoldClosed** | ***CursorLineNr*** | |
| **TroubleIndentFoldOpen** | ***TroubleIndent*** | |
| **TroubleIndentLast** | ***TroubleIndent*** | |
| **TroubleIndentMiddle** | ***TroubleIndent*** | |
| **TroubleIndentTop** | ***TroubleIndent*** | |
| **TroubleIndentWs** | ***TroubleIndent*** | |
| **TroubleNormal** | ***NormalFloat*** | |
| **TroublePos** | ***LineNr*** | |
| **TroublePreview** | ***Visual*** | |
| **TroubleSource** | ***Comment*** | |
| **TroubleText** | ***Normal*** | |
| Highlight Group | Default Group | Description |
| ---------------------------- | ----------------------------- | ----------- |
| **TroubleCount** | **_TabLineSel_** | |
| **TroubleDirectory** | **_Directory_** | |
| **TroubleFileName** | **_Directory_** | |
| **TroubleIconArray** | **_@punctuation.bracket_** | |
| **TroubleIconBoolean** | **_@boolean_** | |
| **TroubleIconClass** | **_@type_** | |
| **TroubleIconConstant** | **_@constant_** | |
| **TroubleIconConstructor** | **_@constructor_** | |
| **TroubleIconDirectory** | **_Special_** | |
| **TroubleIconEnum** | **_@lsp.type.enum_** | |
| **TroubleIconEnumMember** | **_@lsp.type.enumMember_** | |
| **TroubleIconEvent** | **_Special_** | |
| **TroubleIconField** | **_@field_** | |
| **TroubleIconFile** | **_Normal_** | |
| **TroubleIconFunction** | **_@function_** | |
| **TroubleIconInterface** | **_@lsp.type.interface_** | |
| **TroubleIconKey** | **_@lsp.type.keyword_** | |
| **TroubleIconMethod** | **_@method_** | |
| **TroubleIconModule** | **_@namespace_** | |
| **TroubleIconNamespace** | **_@namespace_** | |
| **TroubleIconNull** | **_@constant.builtin_** | |
| **TroubleIconNumber** | **_@number_** | |
| **TroubleIconObject** | **_@constant_** | |
| **TroubleIconOperator** | **_@operator_** | |
| **TroubleIconPackage** | **_@namespace_** | |
| **TroubleIconProperty** | **_@property_** | |
| **TroubleIconString** | **_@string_** | |
| **TroubleIconStruct** | **_@lsp.type.struct_** | |
| **TroubleIconTypeParameter** | **_@lsp.type.typeParameter_** | |
| **TroubleIconVariable** | **_@variable_** | |
| **TroubleIndent** | **_LineNr_** | |
| **TroubleIndentFoldClosed** | **_CursorLineNr_** | |
| **TroubleIndentFoldOpen** | **_TroubleIndent_** | |
| **TroubleIndentLast** | **_TroubleIndent_** | |
| **TroubleIndentMiddle** | **_TroubleIndent_** | |
| **TroubleIndentTop** | **_TroubleIndent_** | |
| **TroubleIndentWs** | **_TroubleIndent_** | |
| **TroubleNormal** | **_NormalFloat_** | |
| **TroublePos** | **_LineNr_** | |
| **TroublePreview** | **_Visual_** | |
| **TroubleSource** | **_Comment_** | |
| **TroubleText** | **_Normal_** | |

<!-- colors:end -->

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