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Predicting Chicago Business Closures

Aya Liu, Ben Fogarty, Parth Khare
12 June 2019

CAPP 30254: Machine Learning for Public Policy
Harris School of Public Policy

Project overview & requirements

This project's directory contains the following subdirectories and files:

|- general functions for a machine learning pipeline
|                       (reading data, preprocessing data, generating features,
|                       building models, etc.)
|- specific functions for applying pipeline_library to the
|                       Chicago Business Licenses dataset
|- downloads and links all the necessary datasets for this
|                analysis    
|- downloads frozen version of dataset from 10 June 2019 as a
|                 pickle (Linux-specific)
|- downloads frozen version of dataset from 10 June 2019 as a
|                     pickle (Mac-specific)
|- downloads csv files for datasets that could not be obtained
|                   through an API (Mac-specific)
|- - tokens.json: a json file containing API tokens for the Chicago Open Data
                  Portal and US Census Bureau website; the provided file includes
                  formats but not actual tokens for security reasons 

|- data_exploration.ipynb: contains code with basic data exploration

configs/: contains json files specifying preprocessing, feature generation,
|         and model specifications to be passed to the
|         program  
|- ...

ethics_aq/: contains files related to the bias and fiarness report
|- ethics_aq/ code for producing the bias and fairness report  
|- ...

requirements.txt: python dependencies list README file

The project was developed using Python 3.7.3 on MacOS Mojave 10.14.4, and results were obtained by running the project on compute nodes of the Research Computing Center at the University of Chicago and on a c4.8xlarge, c5.9xlarge, and c5.18xlarge AWS EC2 virtual machines. Python package requirements can be found in the requirements.txt file in the root of the project.

To install all the requirements, execute the following command in the root directory of the project:

 pip install -r requirements.txt 

Helpful documentation and references are cited throughout the docstrings of the code.

Before running the program for the first time, you'll need to download some datasets that don't have an API. On Mac, execute the following command from within the modeling directory:


On other operating systems, dowload this download this archive file and unzip it within the modeling directory. This will create a new subdirectory, titled data within the modeling directory.

To run the program, use the following command from within the modelling directory:

python3 -f <path to features config JSON file> -m <path to models config JSON file> [-p <path to optional preprocessing config file>] [-d <path to pickled dataset>] [-s <optional random seed>] [--savefigs (denotes that figures should be saved instead of displayed)] [--savepreds (denotes that predictions from each testing set should be saved)] [--saveeval (denotes that evaluation tables should be saved)]

Presentation and findings

The authors have summarized their findings and saved predictions in a document that is not included in this repository. For access, please contact one of them.