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Predicting Chicago Business Closures

Aya Liu, Ben Fogarty, Parth Khare
12 June 2019

CAPP 30254: Machine Learning for Public Policy
Harris School of Public Policy

Project overview & requirements

This project's folder contains the following files:

  • general functions for a machine learning pipeline (reading data, preprocessing data, generating features, building models, etc.)

  • specific functions for applying pipeline_library to the Chicago Business Licenses data

  • downloads and links all the necessary datasets for this analysis

  • tokens.json: a json file containing Chicago Open Data Portal and US Census Bureau API tokens to allow for API access to these data sources; the provided file includes formats but not actual tokens for security reasons

  • data_exploration.ipynb: contains code demonstrating basic data exploration

  • downloads pickled version of dataset from 10 June 2019 (Linux-specific)

  • downloads pickled version of dataset from 10 June 2019 (Mac-specific)

  • downloads csv files for datasets that could not be obtained through an API

  • mlproject-env.yml: Anaconda environment configuration file for running the project

  • configs/: contains json files specifying preprocessing, feature generation, and model specifications to be passed to the predict_closures program

  • ethics_aq/: contains files related to the bias and fiarness report

  • ethics_aq/ code for producing the bias and fairness report

The project was developed using Python 3.7.3 on MacOS Mojave 10.14.4, and results were obtained by running the project on a compute node of the Research Computing Center at the University of Chicago and on a c4.8xlarge, c5.9xlarge, and c5.18xlarge AWS EC2 virtual machines. It requires the following libraries and their dependencies:

Package Version
certifi 2019.3.9
geopandas 0.5.0
graphviz 0.10.1
matplotlib 3.0.3
numpy 1.16.2
pandas 0.24.2
scikit-learn 0.20.3
seaborn 0.9.0
shapely 1.6.4
sodapy 1.5.2
urllib3 1.25.3

Alternatively, a conda environment including all of the necessary data libraries is available on Anaconda Cloud at fogarty-ben/mlproject or in the mlproject-env.yml file in the root of the repository.

Helpful documentation and references are cited throughout the docstrings of the code.

To run the program, use the following command:

python3 -f <path to features config JSON file> -m <path to models config JSON file> [-p <path to optional preprocessing config file>] [-d <path to pickled dataset>] [-s <optional random seed>] [--savefigs (denotes that figures should be saved instead of displayed)] [--savepreds (denotes that predictions from each testing set should be saved)] [--saveeval (denotes that evaluation tables should be saved)]


Use machine learning to predict business closures in Chicago for policy intervention.






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