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Test sample server

Testing over a single server that allow to just to add user and get users.

This server, does not persist user between different server executions. It's just a server to expose how to test it.

Server image

In order to build the server image execute the following command:

docker build -f Dockerfile -t test_sample_server:local .

In order to delete the server image execute the following command:

docker rmi test_sample_server:local

Run the server

In order to run the server, after its image creation, execute the following command:

docker run --name test_sample_server -p 8080:8080 test_sample_server:local script/run

Note that the command that actually runs the server is script/run

To stop the server, execute the following command:

docker stop $(docker ps -a -f 'name=test_sample_server' -q --no-trunc)

To remove the server container, execute the following command:

docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -f 'name=test_sample_server' -q --no-trunc)

Manually check if server API is working

After run the server:

Do a GET to you should receive the list of user.

Do a POST to with body:

    "username": "tester",
    "name": "Tester",
    "surname": "Guy",
    "email": "",
    "birthday": "01/11/2000",
    "address": "111 Some st"

You should get a 201 (Created).

If you now try to list all users (GET mentioned before) you'll see the user in the list.

Run server unit tests

In order to run the server, after its image creation, execute the following command:

docker run test_sample_server:local script/unit

Note that the command that actually runs the server is script/unit

The previous command will only show in the screen the unit test results. In order to get their results stored in test/result folder, add the volume when running the unit tests:

docker run -v $PWD:/test_sample_source test_sample_server:local script/unit

Edit server or test code

To edit server or test code in your local machine and reflect it in the server container, add ti (terminal interactive) and the volume when attaching to the server container:

docker run --rm -ti -v $PWD:/test_sample_source test_sample_server:local /bin/bash

Run server system tests


You will need to have already built a test_runner image:

Steps to build test runner image:

git clone
cd test_sample_test_runner
docker build -f Dockerfile -t test_sample_test_runner:local .

Steps to run the system tests:

You can simply run script/system :)

If you manually want to run or edit system tests, start the system_tests.yml docker-compose environment by running:

docker-compose -f system_tests.yml up &

After that, to run all defined system tests, execute:

docker-compose -f system_tests.yml exec test_sample_test_runner script/run

If you want to edit or add new system tests, then run the following command and work on your any editor locally:

docker-compose -f system_tests.yml exec test_sample_test_runner /bin/bash

After everything is done, down the docker-compose environment:

docker-compose -f system_tests.yml down -v


Testing over a single server that only allows to add and list users






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