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Secure desgined ESP32 Framework with Update Over the Air (OTA), flash encryption, signed firmware verification, MQTT and non-volatile storage. It can be used for all kinds of IoT development projects, which consider a secure base.

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Secure designed ESP32 Framework with Update Over the Air (OTA), flash encryption, signed firmeware verification, MQTT and non-volatile storage. It can be used for all kinds of IoT development projects, which consider a secure base. For this project an ESP-WROOM-32 is used.


A full explanation of the installation of the ESP-IDF for Windows Linux and Mac is available on the Espressif Installation Step by Step guide. In this project the Linux path with Ubuntu and Debian was followed:


sudo apt-get install git wget flex bison gperf python3 python3-pip python3-setuptools cmake ninja-build ccache libffi-dev libssl-dev dfu-util libusb-1.0-0

Download & Install:

mkdir -p ~/esp
cd ~/esp
git clone --recursive
cd ~/esp/esp-idf

Use ESP-IDF (needs to be executed every time a new shell is launched):

. ~/esp/esp-idf/

Create a folder for the project and download the ESP32 Framework from git:

cd ~/esp
git clone

A short list of the commands which are necessary for this project. All of them have to be executed in the root project folder secure_esp.

  1. menuconfig (built-in configuration manger)
  2. build (builds the project)
  3. -p [port] flash (used for initial flashing)
  4. -p [port] monitor (monitors the output of the ESP32)
  5. -p [port] encrypted-flash (used for flash after initial flash)
  6. -p [port] fullclean (deletes the build/ folder)


The SSID and the password for the WIFI is configured in the menuconfig under Example Connection Configuration or directly in the sdkconfig:



Certificate creation script

For the update server and MQTT Broker certificates need to be created. Therefore, a bash script was implemented. If this script is executed on the MQTT Broker the MQTT Certificates can be directly copied to the mosquitto folder. The IP variable must contain the IP Adress of the Update Server and the MQTT Broker, which needs to be edited in the script.

. ~/esp/secure_esp/

This script generates the following tree structure:


Moreover, the script also copies the keys and certificates to the ota_certs and mqtt_certs project folder.

Digital signed firmware key

The signing process of the firmware needs a signing key. This sigining key is created with openssl which needs to be executed in the root project folder secure_esp:

openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -noout -out ~/esp/secure_esp/secure_boot_signing_key.pem


MQTT Broker installation

Installation of the Mosquitto Broker, which is done on Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS:

sudo apt-get install mosquitto

Installation of the Mosquitto Client:

sudo apt-get install mosquitto-clients

After the Mosquitto Broker is installed a new file named secure.conf has to be created in the folder: /etc/mosquitto/conf.d This file must contain the following information:

  listener 8883
  cafile /etc/mosquitto/certs/ca.crt
  certfile /etc/mosquitto/certs/server.crt
  keyfile /etc/mosquitto/certs/server.key
  require_certificate true
  use_identity_as_username true

Copy the certificates ca.crt, server.crt and server.key, created with, to the /etc/mosquitto/certs/ folder.

After that, the Broker needs to be restarted:

sudo systemctl restart mosquitto.service

The Broker can be tested with subscribing a topic and publishing a message to this topic. The IP must be changed to the IP Adress of the Broker.

mosquitto_sub -h $IP -t "/test"  -p 8883 -d --cert client.crt --key client.key --cafile ca.crt
mosquitto_pub -h $IP -t "/test" -m "test-message" -p 8883 -d --cert client.crt --key client.key --cafile ca.crt

MQTT ESP32 configuration

The creates the folders mqtt_certs and ota_certs. In these folders the certificates and keys for the Update and MQTT Server are automatically copied from the created ca directory. After that, the IP adress of the MQTT Broker must be configured in the source code of the file mqtt.c:


We use mqtts and port 8883 for a secure connection over TLS.

MQTT Interface definition:

  • /esp/update/url - Publish Topic

    • Function
      • saves the message as url into the non-volatile storage
      • the url will be effective if the MQTT topic use_url is set to 1
    • Example: mosquitto_pub -h $IP -t "/esp/update/url" -m "" -p 8883 -d --cert client.crt --key client.key --cafile ca.crt
  • /esp/update/use_url - Publish Topic

    • Function
      • if the value is set to 0 the CONFIG_EXAMPLE_FIRMWARE_UPGRADE_URL which is defined in the file sdkconfig is used.
      • if the value is set to 1 the URL from the non-volatile storage is used. However, it only works if the URL is set before the MQTT Topic url.
    • Message
      • 1 = non-volatile storage
    • Example: mosquitto_pub -h $IP -t "/esp/update/use_url" -m "1" -p 8883 -d --cert client.crt --key client.key --cafile ca.crt
  • /esp/update/interval - Publish Topic

    • Function
      • Update time interval for starting the update routine. After this interval is set the ESP32 needs to be restarted over the MQTT Topic: restart
    • Message
      • integer interval in seconds from 300-9,999,999
    • Example: mosquitto_pub -h $IP -t "/esp/update/interval" -m "10000" -p 8883 -d --cert client.crt --key client.key --cafile ca.crt
  • /esp/update/run - Publish Topic

    • Function
      • Starts the update routine manually. For error handling the MQTT Topic: log must be subscribed. All errors and status messages will be published there.
    • Message
      • None
    • Example: mosquitto_pub -h $IP -t "/esp/update/run" -m "" -p 8883 -d --cert client.crt --key client.key --cafile ca.crt
  • /esp/restart - Publish Topic

    • Function
      • restart of the ESP32
    • Message
      • None
    • Example: mosquitto_pub -h $IP -t "/esp/restart" -m "" -p 8883 -d --cert client.crt --key client.key --cafile ca.crt
  • /esp/log - Subscribe Topic

    • Function
      • all important logs, errors or status messages will be published to this topic.
    • Example: mosquitto_sub -h $IP -t "/esp/log" -p 8883 -d --cert client.crt --key client.key --cafile ca.crt

OTA Update

Firmware version

The Update Firmware Version must be higher than the Running Firmware Version. That is why the version number needs to be increased in the file sdkconfig under CONFIG_APP_PROJECT_VER before building the project for the OTA Update. Alternatively it can be done by the menuconfig under Application manager: version-number

Firmware Upgrade URL

The Firmware Upgrade URL can be changed in the menuconfig under Example configuration or dircetly in the sdkconfig file: CONFIG_EXAMPLE_FIRMWARE_UPGRADE_URL


Build Firmware

During the build process the Firmware is signed digitally with the secure_boot_signing_key.pem: build 

After executing this command the firmware binary can be found under: ~/esp/secure_esp/build/secure_esp.bin

Update Server

If not already done, generate the files update_cert.pem and update_cert.pem with the script.

After that, these files have to be copied in one folder with the binary of the firmware. To start the update server the following command is used:

openssl s_server -WWW -key update_key.pem -cert update_cert.pem -port 8070

Code your own Application

For coding an application for this project a example blink application is included in the code. This example application can be found the file secure_esp.c. It will be executed by the main process and runs in an endless loop. For the blink example a LED is defined on GPIO pin 9. It turns off and on again after one second. This example shows how to include a basic app to secure_esp:


Flash ESP32

In this project flash-encryption is enabled. The initial flash must be done with the normal flash command: -p [port] flash monitor

Afterwards the ESP32 can only be flashed with the encrypted-flash command: -p [port] encrypted-flash monitor

If following error message occurs it is helpfull to press the Boot button on the ESP32 while flashing:



Secure desgined ESP32 Framework with Update Over the Air (OTA), flash encryption, signed firmware verification, MQTT and non-volatile storage. It can be used for all kinds of IoT development projects, which consider a secure base.




