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Static translations (Stencil plugin)

Generating staticly translated bundles.

Getting started

npm i @flix-tech/stencil-i18n

configure it in stencil.config.js

const { i18n } = require('@flix-tech/stencil-i18n');


plugins: [
      functionName: 'i18n', // default value is i18n
      dictionaryPath: 'src/i18n',
      srcPath: 'src' // default value is src

Create the dummy function inside src folder to satisfy typescript and have a fallback.

export function i18n(key: string, params?: { [index: string]: string | number }): string {
  return key;

Put the translation files messages.${locale}.json into the dictionaryPath like specified in the stencil config. Configure the build task in your package.json similar to the following.

"build": "for lang in en de; do i18n_locale=$lang stencil build && mkdir -p dist-build/$lang && mv dist/* dist-build/$lang; done && mv dist-build/* dist/ && rm -R dist-build"

Be sure to put the i18n_locale environment variable containing the same as messages.${locale}.json locale. Use the function you defined in functionName to translate. Import the dummy function defined before.

const param3 = 'bye';
    param1: 1234,
    param2: 'hello',


To include the resulting components into your angular project do a dynamic import in the app component to have the components in the whole project but be able to also access the LOCALE_ID. YOUR_COMPONENT_NAME can be the npm name @scope/package.

import { Component, Inject, LOCALE_ID } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss'],
export class AppComponent {
  constructor(@Inject(LOCALE_ID) locale: string) {
    import(`<YOUR_COMPONENT_NAME>/dist/${locale}/loader`).then((webcomponent) => {